美国宇航员 The American Astronaut
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-导演: Cory McAbee
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-编剧: Cory McAbee
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-主演:
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-电影类型: 喜剧 , 科幻 , 歌舞
美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-上映日期: 2001-09-16
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美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-电影剧情介绍

  The best film I've seen in years.
  Entirely absurd, filled with a degree of joyous creativity that I would never have expected, this is the best film I've seen in years. Although the storyline is utterly surreal, it's presented so matter-of-factly that one feels like to doubt the story would hurt someone's feelings. I have real trouble summarizing my reaction to this film except...

美国宇航员 The American Astronaut-电影演员表

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      The best film I've seen in years.

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