龙之路 The Path of the Dragon
龙之路 The Path of the Dragon
龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-导演: Walt Missingham
龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-编剧: Walt Missingham
龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-电影类型: 纪录片 , 短片
龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-上映日期: 2012-11-08(澳大利亚)
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龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-电影剧情介绍

  An informative documentary about the ancient practice of Kung Fu at the Shaolin Temple in China. The documentary centers on both the history of martial arts and the phenomenal impact Bruce Lee had on this culture. Also features the famous Lee vs. Norris fight.

龙之路 The Path of the Dragon-评论

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