累得要命 Grosse fatigue
累得要命 Grosse fatigue
累得要命 Grosse fatigue-导演: 米歇尔·布朗
累得要命 Grosse fatigue-编剧: 雅克·欧迪亚 , 若西安·巴拉斯科
累得要命 Grosse fatigue-电影类型: 喜剧
累得要命 Grosse fatigue-上映日期: 1994-05-18
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累得要命 Grosse fatigue-电影剧情介绍

  If you're not familiar with French movies, this is an excellent one with which to start. The minor roles played by individuals such as Charlotte Gainsbourg (as herself, and seen recently in 'My Wife Is An Actress' directed by her husband, playing in English opposite Terence Stamp) is just one of many exemplary, comic performances in this droll, and very original comedy.

累得要命 Grosse fatigue-评论

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  • 诶你是在叫我吗

    诶你是在叫我吗 2023-11-19 06:03:48


  • alb007

    alb007 2023-10-24 23:39:58


  • 阿蚊

    阿蚊 2023-06-26 19:44:56

    話說導演兼演員Michel Blanc被一名演員兼好友Balasko指控性侵並被捕。飾演佢老友嘅 Bouquet決定系Michel事業、生活低谷中拉佢一把。正當Michel和Carole在南部鄉下療養散心時,無意搵到了一個無論樣貌定系身材都同Michel好似嘅Olivier,解開咗之前莫名發生在Michel身上的罪行的原因。詭計多端嘅Patrick還向Michel建議來代替佢出席或接受麻煩和討厭的工作,讓佢好好享受美好的假期。誰知這場鬧劇,讓Michel度假回來之時,已再無法證實自己真實的身份,事業和生活都俾替身所毀。假亦真時真亦假,最搞嘢系就連「Le Splendid」幫幾十年老友都認佢唔出。Noiret在影片結尾中扮演了個有趣角色,還發表了一篇感傷法國電影業糟糕狀況的演講,而這似乎先系套戲的真正意義所在。故事情節新穎,一眾法國電影界名人都出嚟客串了自己一番,滿滿嘅法式幽默,都咪話唔搞嘢

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