勇气游戏 Chicken
勇气游戏 Chicken
勇气游戏 Chicken-导演: Barry Dignam
勇气游戏 Chicken-编剧: Audrey O'Reilly
勇气游戏 Chicken-主演: Darren Healy , Niall O'Shea
勇气游戏 Chicken-电影类型: 剧情 , 短片 , 同性
勇气游戏 Chicken-上映日期: 2001-03-01
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勇气游戏 Chicken-电影剧情介绍

  Mick and Kev, teen Irish lads, are at the shore, throwing rocks at empty cans, drinking cider. Mick's the pushy one, engaging Kev in a game of mumbly peg, his hand on top of Kev's, fingers splayed. As Mick moves the knife between their fingers, a train is heard approaching. What's Mick's purpose?

勇气游戏 Chicken-电影演员表

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勇气游戏 Chicken-评论

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