El sghayra

El sghayra

El sghayra-电影类型: 短片电影, 儿童片电影
El sghayra-上映日期: 2019(阿尔及利亚), 2020-02-23(柏林国际电影节)
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El sghayra-电影剧情介绍

  《El sghayra》于2019(阿尔及利亚), 2020-02-23(柏林国际电影节)上映。是由阿米拉·盖恩·哈尔法拉执导, 由阿米拉·盖恩·哈尔法拉 Amira Géhanne Khalfallah担任主编, 演员Chams Chakiri, 阿卜杜拉赫·查基里, Safia Soudani等主演的《El sghayra》是一部短片, 儿童类型电影。

  The Algerian desert extends in all directions as far as the eye can see. Many years after the French conducted nuclear weapons testing here, few inhabitants remain in the fading oasis. Amidst the dunes, a gleeful girl plays with pieces of junk, watches Chaplin’s silent films and jokes around with the blind residents. She is the community’s only child. On the surface, there’s no...

El sghayra-评论

全部(10) >
  • 莫萘

    莫萘 2021-05-24 11:01:55


  • SH3056

    SH3056 2021-02-27 01:00:24


  • sobey

    sobey 2020-11-08 16:39:29


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