相约纽约 New York Waiting
相约纽约 New York Waiting
相约纽约 New York Waiting-导演: Joachim Hedén
相约纽约 New York Waiting-编剧: Joachim Hedén
相约纽约 New York Waiting-主演: Chris Stewart , Annie Woods , D.C. Douglas
相约纽约 New York Waiting-电影类型: 剧情 , 爱情
相约纽约 New York Waiting-上映日期: 2006-04-26(翠贝卡电影节), 2006-08-25(瑞典)
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相约纽约 New York Waiting-电影剧情介绍

  Hoping to re-connect with the one big lost love of his life, Sidney sends Coreen an airline ticket and asks her to meet him in New York. Passing time, waiting for Coreen to arrive, Sidney meets Amy who is leaving New York to start over after a failed relationship. The two of them spend a day together. New York Waiting is the story of a first meeting and a second chance.

相约纽约 New York Waiting-电影演员表

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相约纽约 New York Waiting-评论

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  • mary

    mary 2024-03-20 13:00:57


  • ALEX

    ALEX 2024-01-29 16:33:52

    this i like...from de name to the story..

  • 眠去

    眠去 2023-12-18 10:28:03


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