避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-导演: Abby Epstein
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-编剧:
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-主演:
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-电影类型: 纪录片
避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-上映日期: 2021-11-14(美国)
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避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-电影剧情介绍

  There can be no real gender justice without an unpacking of the power structures surrounding the reproductive health industry complex—and of the choices that the market pushes on women. Abby Epstein’s latest documentary highlights the dark history of eugenics and underfunded research that the birth control pill, often heralded as a feminist turning point in the history of repro...

避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-电影演员表

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避孕药产业 The Business of Birth Control-评论

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  • 呆萌喵星人

    呆萌喵星人 2021-10-11 01:44:51

    #MarcheduFilmOnline22 启迪性还挺强的,但不知为何观感更像是网飞出品的纪录片。对于很多观点的阐述虽然做的很多但对于大众来说解释性不够。

  • blood orange

    blood orange 2019-08-27 10:05:30


  • 咸菜帮老大

    咸菜帮老大 2018-03-17 22:38:58

    看完会对医疗行业、药企和保险公司合谋的medical misogyny有全新认知。

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