杀戮部队 The Kill Team

杀戮部队 The Kill Team

杀戮部队 The Kill Team-导演: 丹·克劳斯
杀戮部队 The Kill Team-编剧:
杀戮部队 The Kill Team-主演: Adam Winfield, Christopher Winfield, Emma Winfield
杀戮部队 The Kill Team-电影类型: 纪录片电影
杀戮部队 The Kill Team-上映日期: 2013-04-26(美国), 2013-10-15(英国), 2013-10-16(波兰), 2014-02-28(卢森堡)
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杀戮部队 The Kill Team-电影剧情介绍

  《杀戮部队 The Kill Team》于2013-04-26(美国), 2013-10-15(英国), 2013-10-16(波兰), 2014-02-28(卢森堡)上映。由丹·克劳斯等执导, 演员Adam Winfield, Christopher Winfield, Emma Winfield等主演的《杀戮部队 The Kill Team》纪录片类型电影。

  A documentary that unveils the moral tensions that tear at soldiers' psyches through the lens of one highly personal story: Private Adam Winfield was a 21-year-old soldier in Afghanistan when he attempted with the help of his father to alert the military to heinous war crimes his platoon was committing. But Winfield's pleas went unheeded. Left on his own and with threats to his...

杀戮部队 The Kill Team-电影演员表

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杀戮部队 The Kill Team-评论

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  • 中华海帝

    中华海帝 2021-01-28 10:21:01


  • 基瑞尔

    基瑞尔 2020-11-12 00:44:21

    “The war is dirty”. 忠诚与良知,道德与背叛,非常认真的把控了Adam Winfield的情绪和从中的挣扎。原型事件是一个很好的战争片反思材料,所以现在相当好奇四哥的那部电影了。

  • 净肛互撸娃

    净肛互撸娃 2020-03-03 18:50:00


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