粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-导演: Mario Caiano
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-编剧: Gianfranco Clerici , Vincenzo Mannino
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-主演: Leonard Mann , Ida Galli , Henry Silva
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-电影类型: 剧情 , 动作
粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-上映日期: 1977
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粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-电影剧情介绍

  Weapons of Death is not the most original Polizi flick you're ever likely to see, but that's not too much of a problem since the genre tends to borrow from itself often anyway. This film includes pretty much all the staples that you would expect from an Italian crime flick, and it has to be said that prolific director Mario Caiano has pretty much hit the nail on the head as Wea...

粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-电影演员表

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粉碎暴力城 Napoli spara!-评论

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  • Xeon晚生

    Xeon晚生 2021-01-12 13:15:08


  • 罗西基

    罗西基 2020-06-29 23:54:27

    四星:Poliziotteschi里非常精彩的一部,火爆连环场面相当之紧凑,部分段落更是十分重口。Henry Silva饰演的悍匪熟门熟路,与辣手神探的主角飙戏很过瘾,就是最后的死法惨了点...

  • 梦神

    梦神 2020-03-23 20:43:00


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