托多・莫多 Todo modo
托多・莫多 Todo modo
托多・莫多 Todo modo-导演: 埃里奥·贝多利
托多・莫多 Todo modo-编剧: 莱昂纳多·夏侠
托多・莫多 Todo modo-电影类型: 剧情
托多・莫多 Todo modo-上映日期: 1977-01-19
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托多・莫多 Todo modo-电影剧情介绍

  At a fictitious gathering of the key members of the ruling class in the “Centre for Spiritual Exercise”, over a hundred bankers, company presidents and members of the government meet to discuss their strategy for the future. Before the convention is over, the all mysteriously die, one after another, in spite of massive police investigation…

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