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总有一天 Der kommer en dag
分类: 剧情片电影
兄弟两人在这座名为学校实为监狱的牢笼之中受尽折磨,圣诞节妈妈会来接他们回家的承诺成为了他们生存下去的唯一动力,然而,两人等啊等啊,等来的却是妈妈的死讯。 -
Chi Chia-wei used to give away condoms during the 80s while dressing as Snow White, Jesus or the mummy. His activism received a lot of attention from the media, and also discrimination from the general public. As a volunteer striving to make more people understand AIDS, he organized a press conference at which he came out, becoming the first person in Taiwan to do so. In 2017, ...
En dag i sommerhus
A warm and absurdist tableau comedy about the Danes’ various occupations and uses of their summer houses.
到我的床边来 Der må være en sengekant!
直到黎明 Until Dawn
危情一日半 En dag och en halv
Police officer Lukas, tracking down leads Artan and Louise, a divorced couple on an emotionally-charged road trip when Artan takes Louise hostage to reunite with his daughter. The journey takes them through rural Sweden during a hot summer, all while having police on their heels
直到黎明 Straight on Till Morning
黎明前到达 Stici Pre Svitanja
分类: 战争片电影
斯姆雷斯卡· 米特里罗维察监狱监禁了一些从各地抓来的共产党员,他们计划越狱。但因出了叛徒,他们的活动受到敌人的严密监视。在一次大搜查时,从埃萨德的床下的地板搜出一台油印机。
白开水 2021-04-14 20:58:29