忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue
忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue
忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue-导演: Antonio Tibaldi
忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue-编剧: Michael Boston
忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue-电影类型: 剧情
忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue-上映日期: 1998-05-29
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忧郁男孩 Little Boy Blue-电影剧情介绍

  Living in the rural Texas panhandle is a dysfunctional family: an abusive dad, a Vietnam vet with a war wound that's left him impotent; a compliant wife and a son of about 20, who have an incestuous relationship at the insistence of the dad; and, two small sons who look a lot like their brother. The dad harbors a secret, and he goes to murderous lengths to keep it hidden. The y...

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