郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream

类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2004-01-12
欢迎观看《郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、 上映更新时间、主演等。如果你喜欢《郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream》,请把它分享给其他朋友,有您的支持我们会做的更好! 分享地址:  http://www.haosq123.com/movie/content/JxboYZxjegw.html

郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti...-电影剧情介绍

  《郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream》于2004-01-12上映。是由Gregory Greene执导的《郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness.
  Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the Ameri...

郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti...-电影演员表

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郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti...-评论

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郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti... 电影-相关推荐
