郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti...-电影剧情介绍
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too has the suburban way of life become embedded in the American consciousness.
Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the Ameri...
郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti...-电影演员表
全部(0) >郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depleti... 电影-相关推荐
郊区发展模式的终结:石油耗竭,美国梦破灭 THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream
分类: 纪录片电影
Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia.
石油之王 The King of Oil
马特·达蒙在早期商谈主演新片《石油之王》(The King of Oil),饰演“石油之王”马克·里奇,环球影业拿下版权,约翰·卡拉辛斯基的制片公司Sunday Night Productions参与制作
美国石油大泄漏 BBC Stephen Fry and The Great American Oil Spill
分类: 纪录片电影
在BP公司石油泄漏事件发生4个月后,Stephen Fry和动物学家Mark Carwardine重返事故海域,去看看那里的居民、湿地和物种受到了怎样的影响。
终结贫穷 The End of Poverty?
分类: 纪录片电影
French Filmmaker Philippe Diaz, in an illuminating documentary [The End to Poverty?]
终结暴力 The End of Violence
宇宙的开端与终结 The Beginning and End of the Universe
分类: 纪录片电影
Professor Jim Al-Khalili takes us back in time to tackle the greatest question in science: how did
美国梦 American Dream
分类: 纪录片电影
美国的末日 The End of America
分类: 纪录片电影
The End of America details the ten steps a country takes when it slides toward fascism.
争论的终结 Introduction to the End of an Argument
分类: 纪录片电影
Made by the Lebanese-Canadian video artist Jayce Salloum and the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman
旅行终点 The End of the Tour
分类: 剧情片电影
影片改编自真人真事,讲述了畅销书《无尽的玩笑》作者大卫·福斯特·华莱士(杰森·席格尔 饰)和《滚石》杂志记者(杰西·艾森伯格 饰)一同踏上新书全国宣传之旅过程中发生的故事。
美国梦之安魂曲 Requiem for the American Dream
结束的开始 Beginning of the End
Audrey Ames是一位有进取心的记者,试图从伊利诺斯州实验农场偶然发现的巨型蝗虫那里得到独家新闻。她努力拯救芝加哥,尽管军队掩盖了一切。
文明终结的奇案 The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It
The grandchild of Professor James Moriarty had promised the world that it has only five days left to