淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-导演: Nicholas Hytner
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-编剧: 让·拉辛
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-主演: 海伦·米伦 , 多米尼克·库珀
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-电影类型: 剧情
淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-上映日期: 2009
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淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-电影剧情介绍

  A new English adaptation of the classic French tragedy Phèdre by Jean Racine (1639-1699). It retells the ancient Greek tale of the wife of the Atenian King Theseus, who conceived a forbidden love for his son (by an earlier wife) Hyppolytus. All ends badly for all.

淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-电影演员表

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淮德拉 National Theatre Live: Phèdre-评论

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  • 梵 φαν

    梵 φαν 2023-09-15 10:06:06

    Racine这么俗的剧情全靠演员的演技在撑,剧本我根本都读不下去,到了古典时期还是亚里士多德的le compassion et le terreur, la purgation de la tragedie。海伦米伦和演她nourrice的老戏骨都非常好,Aricia也很灵,虽然戏份少,Oh prince, you´re right, I am possessed.

  • 长个儿

    长个儿 2023-03-08 19:06:49

    Make him love

  • Almasy

    Almasy 2022-04-21 12:20:59

    NTlive subscription 后看的第一部!

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