国王 Baadshah
国王 Baadshah
上映日期: 2013-04-05
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国王 Baadshah-电影剧情介绍

  Rama Rao (Jr. NTR) is the son of Ranjan (Mukesh Rishi) who works as an assistant to Mafia Don Saadu Bhai (Kelly Dorji) is an IPS Aspirant. However, he is rejected from police work due to his fathers connections to the criminal underworld. Meanwhile his brother Siddu (Siddarth Narayan) gets killed in a bomb blast planned by Saadu Bhai. Rama Rao seeking revenge, reunites with his...

国王 Baadshah-评论

全部(5) >
  • 信阳毛尖

    信阳毛尖 2020-11-08 07:42:14


  • yog01

    yog01 2020-01-04 05:59:26

    总感觉男主的脸肉肉的,还不如他死去的弟弟 反派男二来的帅。剧情一样印度式的夸张,一巴掌拍飞人的那种

  • 朱燕去死

    朱燕去死 2019-09-08 16:14:45


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