人类本性 Human Nature
人类本性 Human Nature
人类本性 Human Nature-导演: Adam Bolt
人类本性 Human Nature-编剧: Adam Bolt , Regina Sobel
人类本性 Human Nature-主演: David Baltimore , Jill Banfield , Rodolphe Barrangou
人类本性 Human Nature-电影类型: 纪录片
人类本性 Human Nature-上映日期: 2019-03-12(西南偏南电影节), 2020-03-12(美国)
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人类本性 Human Nature-电影剧情介绍

  The biggest tech revolution of the 21st Century isn't digital, it's biological. A breakthrough called CRISPR has given us unprecedented control over the basic building blocks of life. It opens the door to curing diseases, reshaping the biosphere, and designing our own children. Human Nature is a provocative exploration of CRISPR's far-reaching implications, through the eyes of ...

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