饥饿三三年 Holod 33
饥饿三三年 Holod 33
饥饿三三年 Holod 33-导演: 奥利斯·扬楚克
饥饿三三年 Holod 33-编剧: Vasil Barka , 谢尔盖·季亚琴科 , Les Tanyuk
饥饿三三年 Holod 33-电影类型: 剧情 , 历史
饥饿三三年 Holod 33-上映日期: 1993-12-15(乌克兰)
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饥饿三三年 Holod 33-电影剧情介绍

  Famine-33 (Ukrainian: Голод-33, Holod-33) is a 1991 film by Oles Yanchuk about the 1932-33 Soviet-engineered famine in Ukraine, and based on the novel The Yellow Prince by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyks family of six. It relies more on images than on words shot in black-and-white.
  "In an early scene, the members of an impoverished farming fami...

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