The Stones in the Park
The Stones in the Park
The Stones in the Park-导演:
The Stones in the Park-编剧:
The Stones in the Park-主演: Rolling Stones
The Stones in the Park-电影类型: 纪录片 , 音乐
The Stones in the Park-上映日期: 1969-09-02
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The Stones in the Park-电影剧情介绍

  The legendary Stones show in London's Hyde Park in July 1969. Mick Jagger opens reading an excerpt from Shelley's poem "Adonais" and releases hundreds of butterflies in tribute to the death of Brian Jones. Songs include: "Jumpin' Jack Flash," "I'm Free," "Honky Tonk Women," "Midnight Rambler," and more.

The Stones in the Park-电影演员表

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The Stones in the Park 电影-相关推荐

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    Fighting Man
      4) Ruby Tuesday
      5) Doom And Gloom
      6) Honky Tonk Women
      7) You Got The

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