黄真真的演讲-导演: 闫好好
黄真真的演讲-编剧: 闫好好
黄真真的演讲-主演: 赫小哈 , 张惬蒂 , 熊漪艺
黄真真的演讲-电影类型: 剧情 , 短片
黄真真的演讲-上映日期: 2020-10-17(NEW ERA青年电影季)
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  May 2003, Beijing, China: Under the pressure of WHO, the Chinese government announced that the SARS outbreak is real. The city is closed. Most students have been sent home. During a lockdown inside a private boarding school, three eight-year-old girls have to find a way to make sense of the world.


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