大泽之水 Swamp Water
大泽之水 Swamp Water
大泽之水 Swamp Water-导演: 让·雷诺阿
大泽之水 Swamp Water-编剧: 韦伦·贝尔 , 达德利·尼柯尔斯
大泽之水 Swamp Water-电影类型: 剧情 , 悬疑 , 惊悚 , 犯罪
大泽之水 Swamp Water-上映日期: 1941-11-16
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大泽之水 Swamp Water-电影剧情介绍

  This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film ...

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      This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by producer Darryl F. Zanuck and that he didn't regard much of the film as his own. (The ending, for instance, was written by Zanuck and directed by Irving Pichel.) Nevertheless, the film ...

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