狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-导演: Paul Naschy
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-编剧:
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-主演:
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-电影类型: 恐怖
狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-上映日期: 1986-10-01
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狼人之夜 El Retorno del Hombre-Lobo-电影剧情介绍

  Filmed in the real castles of Spain The Night Of The Werewolf is one of Naschy's most impressive films a sumptuous Gothic feast that pits Naschy's werewolf Waldemar Daninsky against the Blood Countess herself Elizabeth Bathory.

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