冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-导演: 伊安·费兹本 , 基伦·J·沃尔什
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-编剧: 霍华德·欧尔曼
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-主演: 托比·斯蒂芬斯 , 米兰达·莱森
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-电影类型: 剧情 , 喜剧 , 犯罪
冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-上映日期: 2012-08-01
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冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-电影剧情介绍

  BBC Two announces that shooting has begun on series two of detective comedy Vexed, starring Toby Stephens (Jane Eyre, Robin Hood, Cambridge Spies) who reprises his role as D.I. Jack Armstrong, paired with Miranda Raison (Spooks, Merlin, Married Single Other) who plays newly promoted D.I. Georgina Dixon.
  Vexed is being filmed in Dublin, Eire, and comprises six 60-minute episodes...

冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-电影演员表

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冤家搭档 第二季 Vexed Season 2-评论

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