八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance|导演:
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance|编剧:
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance|主演:
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance|电影类型: 恐怖
八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance|上映日期: 2007-03-30
欢迎观看《八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、 上映更新时间、主演等。如果你喜欢《八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance》,请把它分享给其他朋友,有您的支持我们会做的更好! 分享地址:  http://www.haosq123.com/movie/content/4zbqjxg3dpr.html

八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance-电影剧情介绍

  Has someone ever handed you a movie, not telling you one thing about it, only telling you to watch it. What if that tape was the personal home video of two sociopaths on a killing spree? This is their home movie, for their eyes-only. This is August Underground's PENANCE. The third and final film in the AU franchise Directed By Fred Vogel and Starring Cristie "Crusty" Whiles. PE...

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八月地下的忏悔 August Underground's Penance 电影-相关推荐

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    This is August Underground's PENANCE.

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  • 忏悔 Confession

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    当初分手或许无因,重逢也并非云淡风轻: 强纳森看似掀开新一页,但从未对当年真正释怀;特洛雷倦鸟知返,却不知如何从头再来;劳尔为留在美国和强纳森女性友人结了婚,但这显然并不足以羁绊男友心。

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  • 迷情八月 Since August

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  • 忏悔 Attrition

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  • 忏悔 Confession

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