全部(20) >EN-O'CLOCK 电影-相关推荐
10 O'Clock Live
分类: 喜剧片电影
三更天 Johnny O'Clock
11点 The Eleven O'Clock
The delusional patient of a psychiatrist believes he is actually the psychiatrist. As they each attempt to treat each other the session gets out of control.
En amour
En amour (2024) is an immersive and interactive experience, at the crossroads of the performing arts
辣手少年 Three O'Clock High
分类: 喜剧片电影
A high school nerd, Jerry Mitchell (Siemaszko) is assigned to write a piece for the school paper about new boy Buddy Revell (Tyson), who is rumored to be a psychopathic nutcase. When Jerry accidentally touches Buddy, he says that they must fight in the parking lot at 3pm. Jerry will just about do anything to avoid the confrontation.
失忆谜案 Two O'Clock Courage
分类: 悬疑片电影
你那边基点 G O'Clock
Alex is a paramedic who saves lives on London's gay chemsex scene, but can he save himself from it?
Tierra en trance
分类: 短片电影
Estos son los cuerpos danzantes en un éxtasis corporal agitado: preludio al trance, invocación de los
Los Vecinos en Guerra
una ama de casa de casi 40 años, quien 20 años atrás formó parte de un grupo de estafadores y nadie en
晴空血战史 Twelve O'Clock High
故事发生在第二次世界大战时期,纳粹德国的空袭使美军第八空袭部队损失惨重。漫长的持久战,让美军的士气和斗志都消失殆尽,濒临绝境。然而吃紧的战况却不容得他们半点松懈和喘息。在此危机而关键的时刻,总部派来了新指挥官弗兰克·萨维奇(格利高里·派克 Gregory Peck 饰)接管这批队伍。面对德军的猛烈攻击和部队的严重损失,弗兰克意志坚定临危不惧,以铁一般的纪律和身先士卒的态度,带领部队一路拼杀,与德军殊死搏斗。弗兰克超绝非凡的气度和顽强到底的抵抗精神,深深地感染了部队里的每一位成员,队伍得以重振旗鼓,取得了重大胜利。
当时的月亮 2022-06-14 17:29:42