脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-导演: Ken Wardrop
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-编剧:
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-主演:
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-电影类型: 短片
脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-上映日期: 2006-03-03(爱尔兰)
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脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-电影剧情介绍

  Ken Wardrop's mother, a farmer's wife for 44 years, takes off her clothes and talks about her body as the camera looks closely at her bottom, her breasts, her tummy, and her face. Meditations on gaining weight because she's relaxed and happy and talking about how much she liked to have her back scratched give way to memories of her husband and the feelings of loss. Her body is ...

脱掉我母亲的衣服 Undressing My Mother-电影演员表

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  • 落灰

    落灰 2023-03-17 06:13:22


  • 小易甫

    小易甫 2022-07-02 14:13:38


  • 鲸鲸萌🐳

    鲸鲸萌🐳 2022-02-21 18:26:27

    灯光有点美 线条有点性感 对丈夫的思念有点深沉

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