蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-导演: 文森特·明奈利
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-编剧: 艾伯特·哈克特 , 弗朗西丝·古德里奇 , Clinton Twiss
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-主演: 露西尔·鲍尔 , 戴斯·阿纳兹 , 玛约瑞·曼恩
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-电影类型: 喜剧 , 爱情
蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-上映日期: 1954-02-18
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蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-电影剧情介绍

  Capitalizing on the phenomenal success of the "I Love Lucy" show, Lucy and Desi are paired as a married couple who purchase an enormous trailer and set out to explore the spacious vistas of America's landscape. Unfortunately, a series of low comedy escapades leaves the two on the brink of divorce as their journey ends. Can this marriage be saved?

蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-电影演员表

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蜜月花车 The Long, Long Trailer-评论

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  • Caneloni

    Caneloni 2023-09-25 15:39:40


  • eminemheaton

    eminemheaton 2023-09-01 20:24:35


  • dark knight

    dark knight 2023-08-28 17:55:56


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