灾难 Une catastrophe-搜索结果

  • 灾难 Une catastrophe


    导演:让-吕克·戈达尔   编剧:让-吕克·戈达尔


      Jean-Luc Godard's trailer for the 2008 Viennale festival, screened from September 18 (2008) in 100 selected Austrian cinemas, as well as during the course of the Viennale program from October 17 to 29.

  • 片 Film catastrophe

    类型:纪录片电影, 片电影

    导演:Paul Grivas   编剧:


  • 的发生率 Incidence of Catastrophe


    导演:Gary Hill   编剧:Gary Hill, 莫里斯·布朗肖


    dialogue between semantics and consciousness that Hill has advanced since the late 1970s, Incidence of Catastrophe

  • 疫苗黑幕:从隐瞒到 Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe


    导演:Andrew Wakefield   编剧:Del Matthew Bigtree, Andrew Wakefield

    主演:Del Matthew Bigtree, Ever Bigtree, Thaea Bigtree

      An investigation into how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the government agency charged with protecting the healt h of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This alarming deception has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our ...