戈尔剧院 Gore Theatre-搜索结果

  • 戈尔剧院 Gore Theatre


    导演:Jason Figgis, George James Fraser   编剧:Mathew Fisher


  • 2 Gore Theatre 2


    导演:   编剧:


  • 梅达现场:理查三世 Almeida Theatre Live: Richard III


    导演:鲁伯特·古   编剧:威廉·莎士比亚

    主演:拉夫·费因斯, 瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫, David Annen, Joseph Arkley, Tom Canton, Daniel Cerquiera, Simon Coates, 苏珊·恩格

      War-torn England is reeling after years of bitter conflict. King Edward is ailing, and as political unrest begins to stir once more, Edward’s brother Richard – vicious in war, despised in peacetime – awaits the opportunity to seize his brother’s crown.
      Through the malevolent Richard, Shakespeare examines the all-consuming nature of the desire for power amid a society riddled by...