
  • 那不勒斯之魂 Souls of Naples


    导演:Vincent Monnikendam   编剧:


      本片的主题是明暗技法大师卡拉瓦乔的油画《七件慈悲行为》。这幅神圣的作品是受Pio Monte della Misericordia -一个现在仍很活跃的慈善机构的创立者的委托于1607年创作的。关于这幅油画的传说、Pio Monte的历史和那不勒斯人民的悲喜交织在一起,形成了一幅多彩的写照。本片的主角是那不勒斯城本身。

  • 那不是我 That's Not Me


    导演:格雷戈里·厄德斯坦   编剧:格雷戈里·厄德斯坦, 爱丽丝·福彻

    主演:亚瑟·安吉尔, 本杰明·里格比, 爱丽丝·福彻, 伊莎贝尔·卢卡斯, 理查德·戴维斯, 贝琳达·米塞夫斯基, 罗温·戴维, 安德鲁·S·吉尔伯特, 凯瑟琳·希尔, 斯蒂夫·莫察基斯, 安德鲁·奥基夫, 克里斯托弗·卡比, 许明珠

      波莉认为自己是一个严肃的演员,正在等待最适合她的人才的角色。 但是当她的同胞双胞胎艾米在HBO节目中扮演主角时,她的表演梦开始崩溃,并开始与合作明星杰瑞德莱托约会。 一次灾难性的洛杉矶之旅对于事情的帮助并不大,但当波莉发现她可以用姐姐的名人为自己的优势获得免费的衣服,免 费的酒和随意的性爱时,这种不堪忍受的情况会变得更好一些。 后果非常可笑 - 而且很尴尬。 Gregory Erdstein首次亮相的一部非常有前途的专辑,That's Not Me是一部聪明而知名的喜剧,由Alice Foulcher赢得双重表演。

  • 那不是我们 That's Not Us

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:William Sullivan   编剧:Derek Dodge, William Sullivan

    主演:David Rysdahl, Sarah Wharton, Nicole Pursell, Mark Berger, Tommy Nelms, Elizabeth Gray

      That's Not Us is an intimate portrait of three twenty-something couples as they travel to a beach house to enjoy the last days of summer. But what should be a fun and carefree weekend becomes an exploration of what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship and make love last in what is now being called the "gayest generation." Through each of the three couples - one gay, one l...

  • 那不勒斯24 Napoli 24


    导演:   编剧:


  • 那不勒斯的四天 Le Quattro giornate di Napoli

    类型:剧情, 战争

    导演:纳尼·洛伊   编剧:卡洛·贝尔纳里, 帕斯夸莱·费斯塔·康帕尼莱

    主演:雷吉娜·比安基, 阿尔多·久弗瑞

      The film shows the history of the Neapolitan popular revolt against the invading Germans, during the second world war. During the four days in Naples the revolt turns over in just few hours. Neapolitans slinged on rifles and guns, and they armed themselves with stones, house-objects, gasoline-bottles and everything, anonymous and silent. Gennarino Capuozzo, a ten year old child...

  • 那不勒斯王国 Nel regno di Napoli


    导演:沃纳·施罗德   编剧:沃纳·施罗德, Wolf Wondratschek, Gerardo D'Andrea

    主演:Laura Sodano, Percy Hogan, Tiziana Ambretti, Romeo Giro, Liana Trouche, Antonio Orlando, 雷娜塔·扎明戈, 迪诺·梅莱, 玛格瑞斯·克里蒙地, Raúl Gimenez, 克里斯蒂娜·多纳迪奥, Gerardo D'Andrea, 伊妲·迪·贝尼代托, Patrizio Rispo, Maria Antonietta Riegel

      Nel Regno di Napoli, Schroeter's own voyage to Italy, has the appearance of something much more straightforward, hewing closely to a postwar timeline (actually marked and measured by emblematic intertitle cut-ins announcing the year, accompanied by radio bulletin-like narration updating us on the historical/social/political context) as it tells the story of little Vittoria (pla...

  • 那不是我 Aquel no era yo


    导演:埃斯特万·克雷斯波   编剧:Esteban Crespo

    主演:Alejandra Lorente, Gustavo Salmerón, Mariano Nguema

  • 我是那不勒斯人 Song'e Napule


    导演:安东尼奥·马内蒂, 马科·马内蒂   编剧:詹保罗·莫雷利, 安东尼奥·马内蒂

    主演:Pasquale Riccio, Marco De Notaris, Roberta Liguori, Antonio Buonomo, Alessandro Roja, 詹保罗·莫雷利, Serena Rossi, 帕罗·萨森内里, Peppe Servillo, 西罗·佩特隆, Ivan Granatino, 卡洛·布奇罗索, Antonio Pennarella, Antonio Cossia, Juliet Esey Joseph

  • 那不勒斯之血 Assunta Spina


    导演:弗朗切斯卡·贝蒂尼, 古斯塔沃·塞伦纳   编剧:


      Assunta Spina is a tragedy set in Naples at the beginning of the twentieth century. Assunta and Michele are in love but others come between them and there is much jealousy. They fight and Michele is sent to prison for two years for assault. Nevertheless, because Assunta still loves Michele she is vulnerable when Federigo offers to help Michele but only if Assunta becomes his mi...

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