
  • 不是误


    导演:赵焕章, 达式彪   编剧:

    主演:霍秀, 陈烨, 铁牛, 迟重瑞, 沈洁


  • 世界不寂寞

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:黄蜀芹   编剧:黄蜀芹

    主演:胡亚捷, 许还山, 周洁, 吴冕

  • 是约 It’s a Date


    导演:Nadia Parfan   编剧:Nadia Parfan

    主演:Diana Berg, Olena “Tiger”

      Kyiv in 2022. A car races at breakneck speed through the city at dawn. Filmed from a subjective camera angle in a single unedited shot, this film captures the emotions in a state of emergency caused by the war.

  • 一天终来 Es kommt der Tag


    导演:Susanne Schneider   编剧:Susanne Schneider

    主演:Katharina Schüttler, Iris Berben

      Ein Familiengeheimnis reicht zurück in die Zeit des deutschen Herbst. Nach über 25 Jahren steht Alice Rybka zum ersten Mal ihrer Mutter gegenüber: Judith Müller lebt auf einem kleinen Weingut im Elsass mit einer neuen Familien und einer neuen Identität. Ihre Tochter Alice gab sie in den 70er Jahren zur Adoption frei, um sich dem bewaffneten Kampf der Bewegung 2 Juni anzuschließ...

  • 里,里 Here, Here

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Joanne Cesario   编剧:Joanne Cesario

    主演:Kael Vilar, Irish Yes Layas, Carla Zarcal

      Here, Here reimagines the coastal town of Lobo, Batangas, years after a foreign extraction company began its mining operations. Koi, a fresh graduate in his 20s returns home after more than two years to accompany his mother, Tonet, in waiting for the former's father. Koi and Tonet are clueless as to whether Koi's father could make it home alive after an accident in the extracti...

  • 如果些墙歌唱 If These Walls Could Sing


    导演:Mary McCartney   编剧:

    主演:诺尔·加拉格, 保罗·麦卡特尼, 林戈·斯塔尔, 约翰·列侬, 乔治·哈里逊, 埃尔顿·约翰, 吉米·佩吉, 罗杰·沃特斯, 大卫·吉尔莫, 西德·巴勒特, 尼克·马森, 利亚姆·加拉格尔

      If These Walls Could Sing arrives with the 90th anniversary of famed London recording studio.
      Universal Music Group’s recently-launched production house Mercury Studios has announced a documentary about Abbey Road Studios. If These Walls Could Sing will explore the legendary recording studio’s history in conjunction with Abbey Road’s 90th anniversary this November. The film is ...

  • 是我们,是光!


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:易烊千玺, 张国立, 高晓松, 韩雪, 李兰娟, 张铁林, 牛骏峰, 刘芸


  • 一切都回到你身边 Tout ceci vous reviendra


    导演:Lilian Fanara   编剧:


      In an empty apartment, facing the immutable mountain, a brother and sister meet and perhaps understand each other a little better than yesterday. Between them is the memory of a literature teacher, recently deceased.

  • 里看世博 Vu générale de l'Exposition prise du Trocadéro


    导演:Lumière Brothers   编剧:


  • 里 Here


    导演:Lysander Ashton   编剧:Mark Grimmer


      HERE presents an immersive virtual reality (VR) adaptation of Richard McGuire's ground-breaking graphic novel. This unique experience is a grand biopic - where the main character is place rather than person. Through volumetric capture and virtual reality technology, we join the myriad characters throughout time who have called this particular room home. Viewers witness the echo...