
  • 人脑 Shakuntala Devi: Human Computer


    导演:阿努·梅农   编剧:Nayanika Mahtani, 阿努·梅农

    主演:薇迪亚·巴兰, 桑亚·玛荷塔, Barnaby Jago

      维迪娅·巴兰出演世界著名的印度数学家沙昆塔拉·德维(Shakuntala Devi),这部电影于2020年7月30日在全球首映。

  • 十分钟速成课:科学 Crash Course Computer Science


    导演:Crash Course   编剧:

    主演:Carrie Anne Philbin

      Starting February 22nd, Carrie Anne Philbin will be hosting Crash Course Computer Science! In this series, we're going to trace the origins of our modern computers, take a closer look at the ideas that gave us our current hardware and software, discuss how and why our smart devices just keep getting smarter, and even look towards the future!

  • 程序媛爱达—伯爵夫人 Calculating Ada: The Countess of Computing


    导演:Nat Sharman   编剧:

    主演:Hannah Fry

      Ada Lovelace was a most unlikely computer pioneer. In this film, Dr Hannah Fry tells the story of Ada's remarkable life. Born in the early 19th century Ada was a countess of the realm, a scandalous socialite and an 'enchantress of numbers'. The film is an enthralling tale of how a life infused with brilliance, but blighted by illness and gambling addiction, helped give rise to ...

  • 憨豆豆追女仔 戇豆豆追女仔


    导演:東島長眉   编剧:李炯楷

    主演:黎姿, 梁汉文, 徐锦江, 罗家英, 吴家辉, 麦家琪, 黎耀祥, 欧子欣, 鍾慧儀, 李健仁, 陳子雄

      豆豆自小就拥有一股神奇力量每当吃过一种神仙水草后便力大无穷 长大后便投考沙滩救生员 遇上救生员队长露云龙.
      荔枝为一个国家公主 于计算机网络结识了豆 两人相约于香港见面谈婚事 岂料露被荔美丽所吸引 不断破坏们感情 当中露为了讨荔欢心 丑态百出 非常野笑 又豆与露更经常互相作弄对方泄愤