
  • 苏格兰之旅 My Bunny Lies over the sea

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭, 运动

    导演:查克·琼斯   编剧:迈克尔·马耳他


      风景如画的苏格兰,在罗蒙湖附近,突然冲来了正在旅行的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。他原本打算去洛杉矶,谁知经南辕北辙来到了异国他乡。正当他还在研究地图的时候,突然发现从路的另一头来了一位穿裙子、正在吹风笛的“老妇人”。兔八哥认为咿咿呀呀的风笛声是老妇人正在求救,于是路见不平,拔刀相助,他冲上前去将风笛按在地上胖揍一顿,最终却发现自己耍了乌龙。被打扰雅兴的“老妇人”是个脾气暴躁的男子,他无法饶恕兔八哥的鲁莽,于是举枪向其发起攻击。

  • 苏格兰历史 第一季 A History of Scotland Season 1


    导演:Andrew Downes, 蒂姆·尼尔   编剧:

    主演:Neil Oliver


  • 胶片中的苏格兰 A Century in Film: From Scotland with Love


    导演:Virginia Heath   编剧:


      Made entirely of Scottish film archive, a journey into our collective past, the film explores universal themes of love, loss, resistance, migration, work and play. Ordinary people, some long since dead, their names and identities largely forgotten, appear shimmering from the depth of the vaults to take a starring role.
      Brilliantly edited together, these silent individuals becom...

  • 自然世界:苏格兰高地栖息地 Natural World: A Highland Haven


    导演:Fergus Beeley   编剧:


      本集节目中Fergus Beeley带您了解苏格兰高地生活着的独特的野生动物。
      Natural World: A Highland Haven
      This stunningly beautiful film reveals the unique wildlife of the Scottish Highlands, seen through the eyes of filmmaker Fergus Beeley.
      Based for a year at Loch Maree and the surrounding hills in Scotland's far North West, Beeley presents his personal view of the shy animals whose lives are ruled by the rai...

  • 苏格兰女王玛丽 Mary of Scotland

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 传记, 历史

    导演:约翰·福特, 莱斯利·古文尔   编剧:达德利·尼柯尔斯, 马克斯韦尔·安德森, 莫蒂默·奥夫纳

    主演:Hallam Cooley, Jean De Briac, Jerry Frank, Bud Geary, Douglas Gerrard, Hilda Grenier, 温特·霍尔, 哈利韦尔·霍布斯, 罗伯特·霍曼斯, Shep Houghton, 拉尔夫·福布斯, Maxine Jennings, 阿兰·莫布雷, Tiny Jones, 弗里达·伊尼斯科特, 弗雷德·马拉泰斯塔, 唐纳德·克里斯普, G.L. McDonnell, 大卫·托伦斯, 韦奇伍德·诺埃尔, 莫莉·拉蒙特, Robert Ryan, Anita Colby, Jean Fenwick, 莱昂内尔·佩普, Alec Craig, 凯瑟琳·赫本, 弗雷德里克·马奇, 弗萝伦丝·艾尔德里吉, 道格拉斯·沃尔顿, 约翰·卡拉丁, 罗伯特·巴拉, 加文缪尔, 伊恩·基思, 莫洛尼·奥尔森, William Stack, Leslie Sketchley, 温盖特·史密斯, Pat Somerset, 哈利·坦布鲁克, 玛丽·戈登, John Tyke, 蒙蒂·布卢, Billy Watson, 伦纳德米迪, 鲍勃·沃森, 布兰登·赫斯特, 尼尔斯·韦尔奇, 威尔弗雷德·卢卡斯, D'Arcy Corrigan, 弗兰克·贝克, 西里尔·麦克拉格伦, 多丽丝·劳埃德, Murray Kinnell, 劳伦斯·格兰特, 伊万·F·辛普森, 奈杰尔·德·布鲁里亚, Barlowe Borland, 沃尔特·拜伦, Wyndham Standing, 厄尔·福克谢, 保罗·麦卡利斯特, 莱昂内尔·贝尔莫尔, Gaston Glass, Neil Fitzgerald, 阿尔·布里奇, Tommy Bupp, 大卫·克莱德

      18岁的玛丽(凯瑟琳·赫本 Katharine Hepburn 饰)从法国回到了苏格兰,推翻了冒牌王后伊丽莎白(弗萝伦丝·艾尔德里吉 Florence Eldridge 饰)的统治。宫里的大臣们虽然表面效忠于玛丽王后,但背地里各怀鬼胎。
      在大臣们的逼迫之下,玛丽王后借给了好色的达恩利王(道格拉斯·沃尔顿 Douglas Walton 饰),这段政治联姻让玛丽感到非常的痛苦。大臣们企图利用昏庸的达恩利王谋反,在阴谋得逞之后将其谋杀,紧接着又将他的死,嫁祸给了玛丽的第二任丈夫博斯威尔(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)。就在玛丽因为政权焦头烂额之际,伊丽莎白提出想要帮她一把,可这个阴险的女人亦有着自己的算盘。

  • 苏格兰女王玛丽的行刑 The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

    类型:短片, 历史

    导演:Alfred Clark   编剧:

    主演:Robert Thomae

      A short film depicting the execution of Mary, Queen of the Scots. Mary is brought to the execution block and made to kneel down with her neck over it. The executioner lifts his axe ready to bring it down. After that frame Mary has been replaced by a dummy. The axe comes down and severs the head of the dummy from the body. The executioner picks up the head and shows it around fo...

  • 关于苏格兰的广告片 Dewars Scotch Whiskey


    导演:托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生   编剧:


      A stationary camera records four men, in a line facing the camera, costumed, dancing enthusiastically. Three are in kilts and Scottish garb, the fourth wears the suit of an eighteenth- or nineteenth-century dandy. They dance in front of a backdrop of dark curtains with "Dewar's Scotch Whisky" in bold letters above. At the end of the one-minute film, they stop dancing and move a...

  • 飞翔的苏格兰人 The Flying Scot

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:Compton Bennett   编剧:


  • 苏格兰懒汉 第一季 Rab C. Nesbitt Season 1


    导演:Ian Pattison   编剧:Ian Pattison


      Classic BBC Sitcom about Rab C. Nesbitt, a stringed vested philosopher (in his own way) who spends his days getting drunk in his local with best mate Jamesie and going home to clash with wife Mary and his two sons Gash and Burnie. The series follows Rab as he talks to the camera about the way life is and the state of the country, When he's not doing that he is drinking, trying ...