
  • 不期而





  • 漫步仙境 Wander to Wonder

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:尼娜·甘茨   编剧:


      Wander to Wonder is about the demise of a popular seventies kids TV series with the same name, featuring three furry characters, Mary, Billybud and Fumbleton who live in The Wondering Tree. The show's creator and presenter, Uncle Gilly, meets the characters in each episode to teach them about the world.
      We find out that the three furry characters are actually tiny little human ...

  • 臻于善 Chasing Perfect


    导演:Helena Coan   编剧:Helena Coan

    主演:Frank Stephenson

      A retrospective of designer Frank Stephenson's work and life.

  • 你是我的人间

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:张珂   编剧:李波, 陈佳琦, 王玉玉

    主演:林小宅, 常斌, 王嘉丽, 柴翊格, 马卷卷, 池源, 郭子渝, 刘静怡, 刘嘉琪

      热爱美食、古灵精怪的玄武城小宫女阿查(林小宅 饰),在出宫寻找食材的过程中,捡到了遭遇伏击昏迷的少主赫连宇(常斌 饰),因美食纠缠在一起,却在一系列令人啼笑皆非的事件当中,两人产生了甜蜜的爱意,也追逐着各自的梦想和目标。

  • 尊寿喜烧 ジ、エクストリーム、スキヤキ


    导演:前田司郎   编剧:前田司郎

    主演:井浦新, 洼冢洋介, 市川实日子, 仓科加奈


  • 善如金 Doctor Who: Good as Gold

    类型:科幻片电影, 短片电影

    导演:   编剧:Children of Ashdene School

    主演:马特·史密斯, 凯伦·吉兰, Sarah Louise Madison

      Good as Gold was a mini-episode of Doctor Who written by the winners of a Blue Peter script-to-screen competition.
      Bored of not having any adventures lately, the Doctor and Amy get a bit more than they asked for when they set out on one. Landing in London 2012, there's only one piece of advice that can help them now: Whatever you do — don't blink!

  • 爱梵高:不可能之梦 Loving Vincent: The Impossible Dream


    导演:Miki Wecel   编剧:休·韦尔什曼

    主演:Joe Stuckey, Lukasz Gordon, Anna Kluza, Sean M. Bobbitt, 休·韦尔什曼, 多洛塔·科别拉, 罗伯特·古拉奇克, 西尔莎·罗南, 克里斯·奥多德, 道格拉斯·布斯, 埃莉诺·汤姆林森, 伊万·麦克塔格特, 约翰·塞森斯, Piotr Dominiak, Bartosz Armusiewicz


  • 杜尚:反艺术上 Marcel Duchamp: Art of the Possible


    导演:Matthew Taylor   编剧:Matthew Taylor

    主演:马塞尔·杜尚, Marina Abramovic, William Anastasi, Michel Gondry, Bibbe Hansen, Jeff Koons

    挑战传统的审美观,打破艺术的规范和形式,拒绝重复的创作模式,让后世的艺术家毫无包袱,发挥无远弗届的想像力,启发安迪・华荷(Andy Warhol)、约翰・凯吉(John Cage)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono),甚Lady

  • 工厂唱片:曼城 自快乐分裂快乐周一 Factory: Manchester from Joy Division to Happy Mondays

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Chris Rodley   编剧:

    主演:Paul Ryder, Shaun Ryder, John Simm

      Documentary celebrating the triumph,tragedy and human comedy that was Manchester record company, Factory.Started by the late Tony Wilson,Alan Erasmus,Peter Saville and Martin Hannett in the late 1970s, it became known as the home of Joy Divsion, New Order and Happy Mondays and for creating the Hacienda club. The label pioneered Britain's independent pop culture,creating a new M...

  • 京都·祇园祭:隐藏于珍宝中的谜团 京都・祇園祭 ~宝に秘められた謎~


    导演:NHK   编剧:NHK



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