
  • 美味学院 デリシャス学院


    导演:堀江庆, 多胡由章   编剧:青木健生

    主演:西島隆弘, 與真司郎, 相葉弘樹

      北坂狼马(西岛隆弘 饰)是出生于贫苦家庭的农村少年,对美食兴趣很大的他却偏偏讨厌下厨,可是即便如此,他还是被强迫送往了“美味学院”开始了为期三年的学习深造。在学校里,狼马结识了同样讨厌下厨的高杉凛(相叶弘树 饰)和马修(三浦凉介 饰),趣味相投的三人很快就结为了好友。
      日复一日的学校生活令狼马感到忍无可忍,可森严的戒备和严格的规章制度让他无处可逃,不仅如此,吊车尾的他还经常遭到优等生桂城秀吾(与真司郎 饰)和学长南乡隆司(中村悠一 饰)的冷嘲热讽。一次偶然中,狼马得知,有一个方法可以令他提前毕业,那就是在厨艺大赛中战胜学校内的四天王和神出鬼没的校长,以此为目标,狼马开始了他的备战。

  • 圣路娜女 聖ルミナス女


    导演:アミノテツロー   编剧:

    主演:岩永哲哉, 保志总一朗, 柊冬, 饭冢雅弓, 百百麻子, 高田由

  • 少女 こいこい7


    导演:ふじもとよしたか   编剧:水越保, 社綾

    主演:正木香奈, 二宮圭, 松来未祐, 宫川保, 泰勇气, 后藤沙绪里, 稻村优奈, 仪武祐子, 古山贵实子, 川瀬晶子, 伊藤亜矢子, 水树奈奈, 木村亚希子, 音宮つばさ, 中岛沙树, 阿部留

      Tanaka Tetsuro is excited at getting a full scholarship at a new high school, far away from his family. What he does not know is that he will be the only boy in an all girl school, and that there is a girl head-over-heels in love with him, waiting for his arrival. But his special friendship with the very cute and dynamic Asuka also causes him to get into a lot of trouble with t...

  • 19禁化中的 19 섹스 맛있는 속 궁합

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Lee Min-woo   编剧:

    主演:윤지, 은민

      A couple at risk are attempting something new.
      Hae-il sleeps with Sook-hee because she charms and seduces him.
      Poong-cha and In-sook have sex out of habit but without enthusiasm.
      One day, Poong-cha is driving and gets into an accident with Sook-hee who is walking. Sook-hee falls for the manly Poong-cha and gets away with him far away to have tasty sex. At the same time, Hae-il ...