
  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 Season 7


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Saiful Islam, Richard Dawkins

      Saiful Islam investigates how to generate energy, without destroying the planet in the process.

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 第四季 The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Season 4


    导演:David Coleman   编剧:

    主演:Alison Woollard, Pete Appleford, Hayley Lees

      —— 人人影视 http://www.yyets.com/resource/32136

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 2018: 我是谁 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2018: Who Am I?


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:艾丽丝·罗伯茨, 奥菲·麦克莱萨特

      CHRISTMAS LECTURES 2018: Who am I?
      Christmas lecturer Prof Alice Roberts, and Genetics Society guest lecturer Prof Aoife McLysaght, will bring you the CHRISTMAS LECTURES on 26, 27 and 28 December at 8pm on BBC4.
      1. Where Do I Come From?
      2. What Makes Me Human?
      3. What Makes Me, Me?
      You share 99.4% of your genes with your neighbour, 98.7% with a chimp, and even 44% with a fruit ...

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 2017: 生命的语言 The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2017: The Language of Life


    导演:David Coleman   编剧:Todd Dalton

    主演:Sophie Scott

      Professor Sophie Scott will take us on a fascinating journey through one of the fundamentals of human and animal life: the unstoppable urge to communicate, in the 2017 CHRISTMAS LECTURES on communication.
      Lecture One looks at how we gained the remarkable instrument that is the human voice. Sophie will explore how laughter provides a link to our animal past, how our voice box ha...

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 第二季 The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Season 2


    导演:大卫·考尔曼   编剧:

    主演:Bruce Hood, Thalia Gjersoe, Iain Lyburn

      Renowned experimental psychologist Professor Bruce Hood delivers three demonstration-packed lectures entitled Meet Your Brain

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 第一季 The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Season 1


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Dr Mark Miodownik

      In the first of this year's Christmas lectures, Dr Mark Miodownik investigates why size matters in animal behaviour. He reveals how the science of materials - the stuff from which everything is made - can explain some of the most extraordinary and surprising feats in the animal kingdom.
      Dr Mark Miodownik zooms into the microscopic world beneath our fingertips. In this unfamilia...

  • 英国皇家科学院圣诞讲座 第三季 The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Season 3


    导演:大卫·考尔曼   编剧:

    主演:Peter Wothers, Dave Joyce, Riley Xenon Joyce

      Dr Peter Wothers unpicks the chemistry of the world around us, looking at air, water and earth - three of the original ancient Greek 'elements' that tantalised alchemists for centuries.

  • 我是医生


    导演:谢鸣晓   编剧:黄丹, 吴姗姗

    主演:赵有亮, 胡亚捷, 赵静, 虞嘉娜


  • 失恋者


    导演:秦志钰   编剧:张弦, 秦志钰

    主演:刘延, 黎静, 常蓝天


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