
  • 破碎之镜 Gebroken spiegels

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:Marleen Gorris   编剧:Marleen Gorris

    主演:Lineke Rijxman, Henriëtte Tol, Edda Barends

      A murderer is at large: a well-dressed businessman who incarcerates his victims, chains and starves them, and documents their death amid their filth with instamatic snaps. Meanwhile, in another part of town, a woman joins a brothel. These two simple strand...

  • 春光破碎 La rupture

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:克洛德·夏布洛尔   编剧:夏洛特·阿姆斯特朗, 克洛德·夏布洛尔

    主演:叶卡捷琳娜·鲁韦尔, Pierre Gualdi, 克洛德·夏布洛尔, 哈里·库默, 丹尼尔·勒库图瓦, Pierre Le Rumeur, 玛尔戈·利翁, 玛丽亚·米琪, Antonio Passalia, 多米尼克·扎尔迪, 安杰洛·伊凡蒂, 斯特凡·奥德朗, 让-皮埃尔·卡塞尔, 米歇尔·布凯, 安妮·科迪, 让-克洛德·德鲁奥, Mario Beccara, 塞尔日·本托, 让·卡尔梅, Marguerite Cassan, 路易丝·舍瓦利耶, 马里奥·达维德, Suzy Falk, 米歇尔·迪绍苏瓦

      Helene Regnier's husband Charles, who is mentally ill, injures their son Michel in a rage. Charles moves back in with his wealthy and manipulative parents, who blame Helene for their son's condition and vow to win custody of Michel. While the boy is in hospital, Helene rents a room in a boarding house nearby. The Regniers hire Paul Thomas, a family acquaintance who needs money,...

  • 迷失与破碎 Lost & Broken

    类型:剧情, 短片, 同性

    导演:Alexander Roman   编剧:Alexander Roman

    主演:Phil Biedron, Alexander Roman, Ken Warfield

      讲述一个发生在Scott的酒吧的故事,夜幕降临,细雨蒙蒙,酒吧正准备打烊,却被一个失落的前模特Jimmy闯入, 他想喝最后一杯酒,这是一个悲伤却带有希望的爱情故事。

  • 破碎之夜 Broken Night

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:吉列尔莫·阿里亚加   编剧:吉列尔莫·阿里亚加

    主演:多米妮克·麦克艾丽戈特, Alexis Durabrow, Trenton Kaiser, Robert Homyak, Jane Doe


  • 地下影带1:肢离破碎 Traces of Death

    类型:恐怖, 纪录片

    导演:   编剧:Damon Fox


      Traces of Death 是档案电影和借来的素材素材的集合,因其毫无意义的剥削内容而臭名昭著。在它的开头,你会看到一个名叫玛丽莎·马丁的女人的死,她在西班牙语电视上被她的前夫枪杀。然后,我们目睹了 1980 年英国 SAS 士兵冲进伊朗大使馆,随后警察在一辆皮卡车上追捕一名罪犯,最后是致命的结局。然后,它进入了动物实验的镜头,其中有一个灰熊的场景,一只活猪被火炬活活烧死。然后显示了一个亚洲人的尸检片段。然后我们看到了一个关于男性到女性变性手术的非常生动的演示。一个有趣的场景是一个人的鼻腔被切除并用假肢代替。制片人突然回到死亡主题,播放了著名的 R Budd Dwyer 和他用 0.357 大酒瓶在空中自杀的镜头,最后看看最臭名昭著的纳粹恶棍之一,伊尔莎·科赫 (Ilsa Koch) 和她病态的注意力集中营地受害者纹身,她把这些纹身变成了书籍封面、灯罩和钱包。结束时有一些葬礼和动物袭击的素材。

      Traces of Death is a collection of archive film and borrowed stock footage, notorious for its pointless exploitative content. In its opening you see the death of a woman named Maritza Martin, who was gunned down by her ex-husband on Spanish language television. We then witness British SAS troopers storming the Iranian Embassy in 1980, this is followed by a police chase of a criminal in a pick up truck and the deadly finale. It then goes to footage of animal experiments with a grizzly scene of a live pig being burned alive with a torch. Autopsy footage is then shown of an Asian individual. We are then shown a very graphic presentation on a male to female sex change operation. One interesting scene has a man who had his nasal cavity removed and replaced with a prosthetic. The producers then suddenly return to the death theme with the well known footage of R Budd Dwyer and his on air suicide with a .357 Magnum, followed by a look at one of the most notorious Nazi villains, Ilsa Koch and her sick collection of concentration camp victim tattoos which she turned into book covers, lampshades and wallets. The closing has some stock footage of a funeral and an animal attack.—Sujit R. Varma

  • 支离破碎 Shattered

    类型:动作, 惊悚

    导演:路易斯·普瑞托   编剧:戴维·朗格利

    主演:约翰·马尔科维奇, 卡梅隆·莫纳汉, 弗兰克·格里罗, 萨莎·露丝, 阿什·桑托斯, Lilly Krug


  • 破碎点唱机 Tom Waits: Tales from a Cracked Jukebox

    类型:纪录片, 传记

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Tom Waits

      Tom Waits is one of the most original musicians of the last five decades. Renowned for his gravelly voice and dazzling mix of musical styles, he's also one of modern music's most enigmatic and influential artists.
      His songs have been covered by Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart and Norah Jones, among many others. But Waits has always pursued his own creative vision, with little co...

  • 破碎的心 Broken


    导演:Nan Khin San Win   编剧:


  • 破碎的故事 Conte trencat


    导演:米格尔·加戈   编剧:米格尔·加戈, Marta Font Pascual

    主演:达芬斯·巴尔杜兹, Òscar Rabadan, Rosalia Omil, Pol Nubiala, Pol Fernández, Duna Molera


  • 破碎的小提琴 Lully ou Le violon brisé


    导演:乔治·梅里爱   编剧:
