
  • 生活琐事 Les choses de la vie

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:克洛德·索泰   编剧:桑德罗·孔蒂嫩扎, 让-卢·达巴迪, Paul Guimard, 克洛德·索泰

    主演:亨利·纳西耶, Lucien Frégis, Claude Confortès, Jerry Brouer, 让·格拉斯, 玛塞勒·阿诺德, 让·皮埃尔·佐拉, Max Amyl, 伊莎贝尔·萨多扬, 蕾雅·马萨利, 米歇尔·皮科利, 罗密·施耐德, 杰拉德·拉缇戈, 让·布伊兹, 博比·拉普安特, Hervé Sand, Jacques Richard, 贝蒂·贝克尔斯, 多米尼克·扎尔迪, 加布丽埃勒·杜尔塞, Béatrice Boffety, Roger Crouzet, Henri Coutet


  • 家常琐事 Pot-Bouille


    导演:朱利安·杜维威尔   编剧:朱利安·杜维威尔

    主演:热拉尔·菲利普, 达尼·卡雷尔, 达尼埃尔·达里约, 阿努克·艾梅

      Young, handsome, dashing but cynical, Octave Mouret arrives in Paris, determined to conquer the belles of the capital. His first attempts are not too successful though as he is rebuffed by Valérie Vabre, the neurotic wife of the landlord of the block of flats he is accommodated in. As for the affair he starts with Caroline Hédouin, the married owner of "Au Bonheur des Dames", t...

  • 琐事烦心 Wolfsbergen


    导演:娜诺克·利奥波德   编剧:娜诺克·利奥波德

    主演:Rick Paul van Mulligen, Alain Van Goethem, 贝蒂·斯胡尔曼, 特鲁斯·德克尔, Piet Kamerman, 卡特琳·滕布鲁根卡特, 简·德克莱尔, 塔玛·范·登·朵普, 卡琳娜·丝穆德, 费德贾·范·胡艾特, Merel van Houts, Carmen Lith, Oscar van Woensel, Martijn Nieuwerf, Eva Damen

      83岁的Konraad写信给亲戚说他想结束自己的生命,而此时他唯一的女儿Maria却拒绝讨论父亲最后的愿望,甚至打算把他送进养老院。同时 Maria两个已成年的女儿也有自己的问题:Sabine的婚姻出现了危机,她的大女儿Haas又非常顽皮;Eva刚刚从堕胎手术中恢复,还在接受治疗。 Maria的丈夫Ernst则是唯一愿意帮助Konraad的人,他决定帮助岳父完成这最后的心愿。可是事情并不那么简单,他必须瞒着妻子Maria来做这些事情,而他和妻子之间的隔阂也因为这件事情而变的越来越深了......

  • 家庭琐事


    导演:张其   编剧:王一民

    主演:任冶湘, 宋春丽, 于秀春


  • 安迪的生活琐事 第一季 Andy Richter Controls the Universe Season 1


    导演:Victor Fresco   编剧:

    主演:Andy Richter, Paget Brewster, Irene Molloy

      Andy is a short story writer, who makes his living by working at a huge faceless company in present day Chicago, writing Technical Manuals. In his active, fertile, writer's imagination, we see (and hear as he narrates) the stories of his daily life, as they should be, could be, might be, and even actually how they are. Andy shares his office with the company's newest employee, ...

  • 猥城琐事 Krapopolis


    导演:   编剧:丹·哈萌


      Krapopolis is set in mythical ancient Greece and tells the story of a dysfunctional family of humans, gods and monsters that try their hand at running the world’s first cities – without trying to kill each other, that is.

  • 甘森北街的琐事 Mean Business on North Ganson Street

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:S. Craig Zahle


      A disgraced detective is assigned to work with a demoted cop in a violent Midwest town where there's killing spree targeting police officers.

  • 家庭琐事 Family Business: Chantal Akerman Speaks About Film


    导演:香特尔·阿克曼   编剧:香特尔·阿克曼

    主演:香特尔·阿克曼, 奥萝尔·克莱芒, 考林·加普

      Chantal Akerman was commissioned by Visions to make this short film for £20,000. It was first shown on 21 November 1984, on Channel 4. Akerman herself plays the role of a director visiting Hollywood to find financing from an uncle she hardly knows. Very little goes to plan… Also stars Aurore Clement and Colleen Camp.

  • 繁文琐事 第二季 A Million Little Things Season 2

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:   编剧:DJ Nash

    主演:大卫·君图力, 罗曼尼·马尔可, 艾莉森·米勒, 克里斯蒂娜·玛丽·摩西, 朴敏庆, 詹姆斯·罗德, 斯特芬妮·斯佐斯塔克, Tristan Byon, 丽兹·格林尼

      ABC宣布续订《#繁琐小事# A Million Little Things》第2季。

  • 繁文琐事 第五季 A Million Little Things Season 5


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:大卫·君图力, 罗曼尼·马尔可, 艾莉森·米勒, 克里斯蒂娜·玛丽·摩西, 朴敏庆, 詹姆斯·罗德


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