
  • 澳洲奇趣之旅 Australia: Land Beyond Time

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:David Flatman   编剧:David Flatman, Les Murray

    主演:Alex Scott


  • 澳洲袋鼠王国 Kangeroo Comeback


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Stan Watt


  • 米奇在澳洲 Mickey Down Under

    类型:喜剧, 动画, 短片, 家庭

    导演:查尔斯·A·尼科尔斯   编剧:MacDonald MacPherson, Jack Huber


      郁郁葱葱的澳洲原始丛林,米奇(詹姆斯·麦克唐纳 James MacDonald 配音)正和他忠实的爱犬布鲁托布鲁托(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)探险。米奇手执名为“飞来飞去”的回旋标,布鲁托则将鼻子贴在地上,仔细搜寻猎物的线索。突然,它全身定格,进入高度戒备的状态。原来前方树上有一把硕大的香蕉,米奇用回旋标砍下了一只香蕉,可是布鲁托并没有吃到嘴,反而被绕来绕去的回旋标弄得不知所措。它和回旋标发生一连串好玩有趣的战争,不知不觉便与它的主人失散了。

  • 梦往澳洲海 La discesa di Aclà a Floristella


    导演:奥瑞里诺·格里马蒂   编剧:奥瑞里诺·格里马蒂

    主演:Francesco Cusimano, 托尼·斯佩兰迪奥, 路易吉·马利亚·伯鲁诺

      Brutal film about the exploitation of a young Italian boy, who is virtually sold to the operators of a sulphur mine where he is beaten and sexually molested.

  • 澳洲故事 - 牛仔亚当 Australian Story - Since Adam Was A Boy


    导演:Helen Grasswell, Ian Harley   编剧:

    主演:Adam Sutton

      Adam Sutton,一个生活在澳洲荒原上的真正的牛仔。正是这个质朴无暇的牛仔男孩,在澳洲荒原上留下了一段不可思议的“秘密”。这是一部由ABC(澳洲广播)拍摄的纪录片,一部真实版的断背山,一个真实的同性恋牛仔在迷茫彷徨中逐渐成长起来,他的经历也鼓励了同样处于矛盾状态的少年们,正如他所说的“坦然的面对自我,生活原来如此美好”。

  • 澳洲野生鹦鹉 Australia: Land of Parrots


    导演:David Parer   编剧:Elizabeth Parer-Cook


      Discover the beauty, brilliance and behaviour of Australia's most conspicuous birds - parrots and cockatoos in Australia: Land of Parrots. Multi-award winning, natural history filmmakers David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook have turned their cameras to the sky to capture the spirit of these dazzling birds with breathtaking results - including rare and never before seen footage - all shot in HD.
      Varieties of parrots and cockatoos thrive across Australia and often in large numbers. From the dense rainforests of the tropical north to the cold, wind-swept coast of southern Australia and the arid deserts of the interior. Australia: Land of Parrots explores the spectacular and bizarre behaviour of Australia's wild parrots and cockatoos across the varied landscapes of the island continent.
      In the tropical rainforests of northern Australia the female Eclectus Parrot defies every rule in the evolutionary rule book. Instead of being drab, like most female birds, she's brightly coloured.
      Meanwhile the decade-long drought in the centre of Australia has broken and budgerigars gather to breed. Time is short - they quickly pair up, lay eggs and rear their young, all in the space of a few months.
      Parrots are very adaptable, the southern coast of Australia is battered by fierce weather yet Rock Parrots live along the shoreline. Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Little Corellas and galahs have been quick to take advantage of opportunities arising from modern farming. With food and water easily available, their populations have exploded, causing havoc for farmers.
      One of the most amazing parrots is the rare Palm Cockatoo which lives up north. Imitating their calls, Steve Murphy has been tracking them for years trying to work out how they live and he's uncovered some amazing behaviour.

  • 狂野澳洲:边缘 Wild Australia: The Edge

    类型:短片, 冒险

    导演:John Weiley   编剧:

    主演:Hugo Weaving

      Rappel into a world of exotic creatures, beautiful and treacherous waterfalls, canyons, and underground rivers carved by streams as our modern bushwackers explore a natural wonderland as it was ninety million years ago.

  • 甜心空姐特别篇2:澳洲·悉尼 アテンションプリーズ オーストラリア・シドニー編


    导演:佐藤祐市   编剧:今井雅子

    主演:上户彩, 相武纱季, 上原美佐


  • 救难小英雄:澳洲历险记 The Rescuers Down Under

    类型:动画, 悬疑, 家庭, 犯罪, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:亨德尔·布托伊, 迈克·加布里尔   编剧:Byron Simpson, 吉姆·考克斯, 乔·兰福特

    主演:鲍勃·纽哈特, 伊娃·嘉宝, 约翰·坎迪, Tristan Rogers, Adam Ryen, 乔治·C·斯科特

      广袤壮观的澳洲大陆,小男孩科迪(亚当·雷恩 Adam Ryen 配音)和妈妈生活于此,科迪结交了许多动物朋友,每天尽情享受大自然的馈赠。然而,接二连三盗猎者肆无忌惮捕杀动物、破坏了澳洲大陆的宁静。这一日,科迪意外遭遇邪恶的盗猎者麦克里奇,为了抓住珍贵的金雕,麦克里奇把男孩当作诱饵绑架起来。这一消息通过动物们很快传到地球另一边的美国纽约,美丽勇敢的小老鼠比安卡(Eva Gabor 配音)和爱恋她的伯纳德(Bob Newhart 配音)担负起这次的救援任务。一场横跨万里重洋、惊险刺激而又妙趣横生的救援行动就此展开……

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