
  • 波兰小子 Warszawianka


    导演:亚采克·博尔丘赫   编剧:Jakub Zulczyk

    主演:索非娅·维赫瓦奇, 杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基, 保利娜·加拉萨卡

      In Warszawianka, Franek Czułkowski aka Czuly, played by Borys Szyc, is a talented writer who has experienced success and failure and now finds himself trapped between his personal struggles and societal expectations. The show follows his adventures as he struggles to grasp the meaning of his own existence in the modern world.

  • 波兰的爵士 Jazz in Poland

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:雅努什·马耶夫斯基   编剧:


  • 猎魔人波兰版 Wiedzmin

    类型:剧情, 动作, 奇幻

    导演:Marek Brodzki   编剧:Andrzej Sapkowski

    主演:米哈乌·热布罗夫斯基, Wojciech Duryasz, 瓦尔德马·科纳克基, Maciej Lagodzinski


  • 波兰电影史 Historia kina w Popielawach

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 奇幻

    导演:扬·雅库布·科尔斯基   编剧:扬·雅库布·科尔斯基

    主演:克兹佐夫·马扎克, Bartosz Opania, Grazyna Blecka-Kolska

      10岁的斯塔谢克Staszek(托马什•克雷夏克饰)在他的日记中记录了他的同学约瑟夫的一些事。约瑟夫来自波皮耶拉瓦赫(Popielawach)地区美丽乡村一个铁匠世家,历代长子的名字都叫约瑟夫,由于他是第6代长子,所以有个意为排行第六的绰号“舒斯泰克” Szustek(米哈乌•亚辛斯基饰)。舒斯泰克自小就有打破家庭传统,拒绝成为一名铁匠的信念,而一直对祖传的一部电影放映机和其机械原理感兴趣。
      一天晚上,放置这套放映设备的小屋被一个流浪的残疾音乐家库拉维克Kulawik(马里乌什•萨尼泰尔尼克)酒后纵火焚毁。在被赶来的、怒火中烧的舒斯泰克和他的父亲约瑟夫第五Józef V(克日什托夫•迈赫扎克饰)揍过一顿后,库拉维克悄悄告诉约瑟夫第五,说他常常跟约瑟夫第五的妻子哈努特卡第五Chanutka V(格拉日娜•布文茨卡-科尔斯卡饰)约好了...

  • 波兰电影教程 Lekcja polskiego kina


    导演:Andrzej Wajda   编剧:

    主演:Andrzej Wajda

      Andrzej Wajda's film about the Polish Film School is personal look at the Polish cinematography and an analysis of the phenomenon. He mentions the creators of Polish cinema - directors, actors and operators. Analyzes the reasons for foreign interest in Polish cinema audiences and critics. "Lesson" is illustrated with excerpts from the beginnings of the postwar Polish school of ...

  • 波兰斯基,霍洛维茨 Polanski, Horowitz


    导演:Anna Kokoszka-Romer, Mateusz Kudla   编剧:Anna Kokoszka-Romer, Mateusz Kudla

    主演:罗曼·波兰斯基, Ryszard Horowitz, Stanislaw Buchala, Bronislawa Horowitz Karakulska, Jolanta Kruk, Cezary Garwolinski

      罗曼·波兰斯基近日回到祖国波兰,计划和自己的老友、著名摄影师雷尚德·霍洛维茨,共同拍摄一部讲述两人童年时期的纪录片[波兰斯基,霍洛维茨](Polanski, Horowitz,暂译)。霍洛维茨出生于1939年,同年波兰沦陷。他也在臭名昭著的奥斯维辛集中营度过了人生中最初的6年。两人相识时霍洛维茨只有3岁,波兰斯基9岁。作为最小的大屠杀幸存者,在影片[辛德勒的名单]中,那个躲在粪坑中的男孩,原型便是霍洛维茨。

  • 波兰传奇:月球追捕 Legendy Polskie Twardowsky

    类型:科幻, 短片

    导演:托默克·巴金斯基   编剧:Blazej Dzikowski, Fish Ladder

    主演:罗伯特·温茨凯维奇, Aleksandra Kasprzyk, Piotr M.A. Cywinski, Dariusz Dluzewski


  • 自由的波兰海报 Freedom on the Fence


    导演:Glenn Holsten, Andrea Marks   编剧:


      The documentary contains interviews with older and younger generations of poster artists, examples of past and current poster work, historic and current film footage of where and how the poster is viewed, and commentaries from both American and Polish scholars and artists on the significance of the Polish poster as a cultural icon.

  • 列宁在波兰 Ленин в Польше

    类型:剧情, 历史

    导演:谢尔盖·尤特凯维奇   编剧:谢尔盖·尤特凯维奇, 叶夫根·加布里洛维奇

    主演:马克西姆·施特劳赫, Anna Lisyanskaya, Antonina Pavlycheva

      The life of the great Bolshevik leader before the Russian revolution is chronicled in this bio-pic. Much of the tale centers on his exile in Poland where Lenin becomes friends with two peasants. The little girl has a strong belief in the nationalist cause. Later Lenin hears she was killed for withholding information about him.