
  • 污秽之神 Dirty God


    导演:莎莎·波拉克   编剧:莎莎·波拉克, Susie Farrell

    主演:Alys Metcalf, Malique Warner, Jake Wheeldon, Rosie Akerman, Kazia Pelka, 维琪·奈特, 凯瑟琳·凯丽, 伊莱莎·布雷迪-吉拉德, 丽贝卡·斯通, 温迪·阿尔比斯顿, 布鲁·罗宾森, Dana Marineci, Tachia Newall, Frieda Thiel, Shystie, Karl Jackson


  • 污秽 Dirty

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:Bruce Sweeney   编剧:Bruce Sweeney

    主演:Tom Scholte, 巴布斯丘拉, 本杰明·拉特纳, Rondel Reynoldson, Frida Betrani

      Angie is a middle-aged drug dealer, who fulfills the masochistic fantasies of young student David. David shares a residence with lonely log company worker Tony. Other characters - Angie's roommate Nancy, Angie's son Ethan and her old mother Abbie are also very lonely and desperate for human communication.

  • 曾经的污秽 The Dirty Onces

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Brent Stewart   编剧:Brent Stewart

    主演:Rachel Korine, Raven Dunn, hn Ranieri

      The Dirty Ones is one of 96 short films selected from a pool of 5,632 entries for next year's competition. The film, running for ten-minutes and shot with a Red One camera, stars Rachel Korine and Raven Dunn as "two Mennonite sisters are traveling throughout Southern states with the body of their dead grandmother lying in the trunk bed." The trailer for the film can be found he...

  • 污秽的怪兽 The Monster of Piedras Blancas

    类型:科幻, 恐怖

    导演:Irvin Berwick   编剧:H. Haile Chace

    主演:莱斯·崔梅恩, 福雷斯特·刘易斯, 约翰·哈蒙

      The monster, which looks like a nastier version of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon," invades a sleepy lighthouse town. The superstitious lighthouse keeper is worried for the safety of his beautiful teenage daughter, so he leaves food for the monster, who dwells in a nearby cave. When bodies wash up ashore, the locals take notice.

  • 污秽与愤怒 The Filth and the Fury

    类型:纪录片, 音乐, 传记

    导演:Julien Temple   编剧:

    主演:John Lydon, Malcolm McLaren, Steve Jones

      If nothing else, this is the only Sex Pistols film (there are now at least 3) to make explicit and in-depth reference to the band members' working class roots, and the way that experience informed their project. This alone makes the film worth seeing, as it explodes the myth, fostered no doubt by their PT Barnum manager, Malcolm McLaren, that the whole project was an exercise i...

  • 胸部解放运动 Free the Nipple

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:Lina Esco   编剧:Richard Hunter

    主演:罗拉·科克, 扎克·格雷尼尔, Crystal Lonneberg, 琳娜·埃斯科, Casey LaBow, 莫妮卡·克尔曼, 葛瑞芬·纽曼, Jen Ponton

      在美国,有这么一群勇敢的女性,她们为了呼吁社会改变对于女性胸部的看法,而创造了这部名为《Free The Nipple》的影片。A Day Magazine网站写道,这群女性希望废除落后法制,停止将女性的身体犯罪化、污秽化。 据说 影片在拍摄过程遭遇了许多阻扰。

  • Cariosus

    类型:恐怖, 短片

    导演:J. Nitro   编剧:


      他这样做很有趣...... MURDER你会听到它,你会看到它。从头到尾见证了最可怕的谋杀狂热,直接从污秽本身告诉他。CARIOSUS将带您进入一个黑暗,可怕的死亡世界和谋杀案,不断地用野蛮的血腥行为轰击着观众。

  • 神圣十月 セイントオクトーバー 〜深淵の戒律〜

    类型:剧情, 动画

    导演:佐藤昌文   编剧:

    主演:片冈梓, 福井裕佳梨, 小林优, 小野友树, 川本成, 鈴木真仁, 津田健次郎, 子安武人, 宍戸留美


  • 看海


    导演:李京红   编剧:


      一个只上过一天学的残疾青年出了本书,成了作家引来各色人等的关心,在利益面前,你会看到他坚守生命尊严的可贵,可现实是,他每天都在为吃饭发愁。接下来,被世俗裹挟的他没有选择地在这个现实的舞台上,用自己残缺的躯体演绎生命的自强不息。在他生命的最后时刻,他要洗净命运中沾染的污秽离开这个世界,他凭借自我反省的力量重塑了自己。 他生命的意义就在于身不由己后的清醒与坦荡,让你对他的勇敢肃然起敬。

  • 零 Zero

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Christopher Kezelos   编剧:Christopher Kezelos



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