
  • 我想戴上戒指 指輪をはめたい


    导演:岩田由纪   编剧:伊藤高美, 岩田由纪

    主演:山田孝之, 小西真奈美, 真木阳子, 池胁千鹤, 二阶堂富美

      片山辉彦(山田孝之 饰),男,29岁,赤富士药品公司王牌销售员。某天他意外晕倒,醒来后因头部受到冲击而出现暂时性的失忆症,他的包中藏有一枚戒指,但是究竟这是要送给谁的却毫无头绪。与此同时,三个背景和性格完全不同的女性交替出现在片山的身边,分别是同公司的前辈美貌和才华兼备的住友智惠(小西真奈美 饰)、开朗乐观的风俗店巨乳娘潮崎惠(真木阳子 饰)以及在公园表演傀儡戏经常伤痕累累的铃木和歌子(池胁千鹤 饰)。似乎片山一直在与她们同时交往,随着戒指争夺战的升级,片山也渐渐被带回失忆前的原点……

  • 红宝石戒指 루비반지


    导演:全山   编剧:黄顺英

    主演:李素妍, 林贞恩, 金锡勋


  • 中国戒指 The Chinese Ring

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 悬疑, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:William Beaudine   编剧:厄尔·德尔·比格斯

    主演:Roland Winters, Victor Sen Young, Mantan Moreland

      A Chinese princess is murdered - in Chan's house ! Roland WInters debuts as Charlie Chan in a mystery whose atmospheric settings includes San Francisco's Chinatown. With Victor Sen Young and Mantan Moreland.

  • 戒指

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:洪一平   编剧:李乐平

    主演:洪一平, 马靓, 黄海冰, 胡锰, 孙翔, 陈义贞, 梁国荣, 亢继辉, 梅寒


  • 父子神探之滴血的戒指

    类型:悬疑, 犯罪

    导演:胡明凯   编剧:韩炜

    主演:马跃, 李子雄

      裕华银行的襄理李修为开车在巡捕房门口肇事,引起骚乱,被天生带到巡捕房查问。修为和韩玲费尽周折,找到的竟是曾茹残缺的尸体, 随着调查进展,亨利提出了一个大胆的设想,绑架并且杀害曾茹的,就是李修为本人。

  • 鹰冠戒指 Pierścionek z orłem w koronie


    导演:Andrzej Wajda   编剧:马切伊·卡尔平斯基, 安德杰·科沃斯基

    主演:Rafal Królikowski, Adrianna Biedrzynska

      Wajda's most underrated film ever. Made in sombre manner displays the fragment of the history of Poland when Soviets and their local adherents overtook the reign in country.
      Betrayal, infiltration, invigilation, deception wins. Heroes are now villains and villains are heroes. Best role of Cezary Pazura as a delirious scoundrel from UB /polish equivalent of NKWD/.

  • 戒指 The Ring


    导演:比尔·莫里森   编剧:


      Filmmaker Bill Morrison has forged an unmistakeable style working with found celluloid to emphasize the effects of time and neglect on its delicate layers. Linking the physical materiality of film to its affective capacity for visceral, emotional command, his prolific body of work is manna for those who dream of nitrate sheep

  • 戒指 The Ring

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 战争

    导演:阿曼德·马斯楚安尼   编剧:丹尼尔.斯蒂尔, Nancy Sackett, Carmen Culver

    主演:娜塔莎·金斯基, 麦克尔·约克, 鲁伯特·彭利-琼斯

      During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring

  • 艾莉莎,熊和石戒指 Arisha, der Bär und der steinerne Ring


    导演:维姆·文德斯   编剧:维姆·文德斯

    主演:吕迪格·福格勒, Anna Vronskaya, Arina Voznsenskaya, 维姆·文德斯

      How can you not love a movie where the man dressed as Santa's only comment on why is "if you can't beat them, join them". Wim Wenders has made a perfect short about an open minded view on life where no one is a stranger in this roadmovie sliced from "reality"grey-skied German highways. It is also a perfect reminder of that an open mind can lead to so many great things or just a...

  • 枪与戒指 A Gun & a Ring

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:列宁·希瓦姆   编剧:列宁·希瓦姆

    主演:大卫·布兰登·乔治, 肖娜·布朗, 高比·斯如, Jon Berrie, Rob Duckworth, 苏森·曼哈林安姆, Thenuka Kantharajah


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