
  • 类型:儿童片电影

    导演:王君正   编剧:严婷婷, 康丽雯

    主演:曹翠芬, 任申, 劳力, 戚力, 刘安泰, 李羚, 江韵辉, 徐欢, 王佳宁, 马忱, 谭念东, 关强, 徐岗, 朱玉蓉, 李克己, 张钟英

      被分配到实验小学当老师的韩(李羚 饰)向陈校长(江颜辉 饰)报到,校长让她先到三(2)班听课。

  • 类型:

    导演:杜正阳   编剧:


      A girl is longing for a purpose can't be done by herself. There were some close intimate individuals promised to help her but left her eventually. In the dream, she is confusing that whether she should stick on her purpose or not.

  • 类型:动画片电影

    导演:方润南   编剧:


    br>   布景设计:蔡一声

  • Puiet


    导演:Lorenzo Fabbro, Bronte Stahl   编剧:

    主演:Nicusor Pasca

      Summer is ending, and the harvest has begun in rural Transylvania. As Nicusor aspires toward adulthood, he looks for a way to contribut e. Faced with rejection, he explores his natural surroundings to imagine a place for himself.
      Director's Statement:
      The spark for our film Puiet came through during our attendance at the documentary filmmaking intensive Aristoteles Workshop, he...

  • 类型:片电影

    导演:谢晋, 颜碧丽, 梁廷铎   编剧:赵志强, 杨时文, 曹雷

    主演:李秀明, 高宝成, 达式常

    妇女队长春(李秀明 饰)看不惯医疗卫生大权把持在有资产阶级思想意识的人手中,她主动请缨到公社卫生院学习,以期学成回村为贫下中农服务。

  • 类型:动画片电影, 儿童片电影

    导演:詹同   编剧:


  • अंकुर


    导演:夏姆·班尼戈尔   编剧:夏姆·班尼戈尔, Satyadev Dubey

    主演:Shabana Azmi, Sadhu Meher, Anant Nag

      Laxmi lives a poor lifestyle in a small village in India along with her husband, Kishtaya, who is a deaf-mute. Both husband and wife work for the wealthy landlord. The landlord's son, Surya, has to cancel his studies and return home to look after the estate, as well as formalize his marriage to Saroj, the girl he was compelled to get married to when he was very young. Shortly t...

  • 翠花

    类型:片电影, 喜剧片电影, 武侠片电影, 古装片电影

    导演:萧显辉   编剧:徐达初

    主演:关咏荷, 江华, 刘江, 惠英红, 刘乔方, 李家声, 陈少霞, 李家鼎

      翠花(关咏荷 饰)到广州探望父亲,生性好强的她与当地首富方德(江华 饰)多次结怨。翠花误伤了漕督大人的儿子,使之变成了白痴。

  • 类型:纪录片电影

    导演:張鳳英, 鬼叔中   编剧:


    甯格 邱加贵
      剪辑 甯元乖
      音乐 客家十番
      草长莺飞的农历二月,中国福建省西部 的客家人制作大粽 以祭祀 五谷真仙(神农),期盼禾大熟

  • 家儿女


    导演:陶金   编剧:周民震

    主演:凌之浩, 金川, 赵东海, 朱莎, 刘非
