
  • 里的基督 Christian in the Closet

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Joel Stephen Fleming   编剧:Joel Stephen Fleming, Cameron Hurry

    主演:Cameron Hurry, Seron Chau, Michael Deed, Jake Doak, Candice Hill

      The uber-awkward Christian leads a double life, avoiding the confrontation of coming out as gay to his father (A Christian Pastor) or telling his atheist best friend and new lover about his faith. It's not until the romantic advances of Erin -- a female parishioner -- forces Christians two worlds on a collision course.

  • 的妻 第一季 Prisoners' Wives Season 1


    导演:哈利·布拉德比尔   编剧:Julie Gearey

    主演:约纳斯·阿姆斯特朗, 皮帕·海伍德, 波利·沃克, 爱玛·里格比, Oliver Hannam

      警察突击搜查了Gemma家的房,还以谋杀嫌疑逮捕了Gemma的丈夫 Steve,Gemma平静的生活被彻底打破。Gemma没有办法从混乱的司法体系中找出这件事的头绪,但坚持认为丈夫是无辜的。