
  • 布鲁克林黑街 Last Exit to Brooklyn


    导演:乌利·埃德尔   编剧:戴斯蒙德·中野, 小胡伯特·塞尔比

    主演:詹妮弗·杰森·李, 史蒂芬·朗, 伯特·杨, 彼得·道博森, 杰里·奥尔巴赫, 史蒂芬·鲍德温


  • 布鲁克林45 Brooklyn 45

    类型:剧情, 恐怖

    导演:泰德·盖根   编剧:泰德·盖根

    主演:安妮·拉姆塞, 罗恩·E·斯科特, 杰里米·S·霍尔姆, 拉瑞·凡斯登, 以斯拉·巴兹顿, 克里斯蒂娜·克莱伯

      Five military veterans, best friends since childhood, gather together to support their troubled host, and the metaphoric ghosts of their past become all-too-literal.

  • 舞动布鲁克林 Breaking Brooklyn

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 歌舞

    导演:保罗·贝克   编剧:保罗·贝克, Rory Owen Delaney

    主演:迪德尔·古德温, Colin Critchley, José Báez, Gabriel Sloyer, 内森·克莱斯, 沃迪·科蒂斯·霍尔, 小路易斯·格赛特, 杰克·诺斯沃迪, 玛德琳·曼托克, 凯瑟琳·科廷, 克里斯·彼得罗夫斯基, Kalani Hilliker, 布赖恩·塔伦蒂诺, 白露娜, 莉莎·科伦-扎亚斯

      A 12 year old boy with a passion for dance and his brother are rescued from the streets by an old showman who takes them to live with his estranged former dancing partner/brother.

  • 布鲁克林劫案 Capers

    类型:喜剧, 动作, 犯罪

    导演:Julian M. Kheel   编剧:Brett Halsey, Julian M. Kheel

    主演:丹尼·马斯特森, 里昂·罗宾逊, Aysan Celik, Michael Cecchi, Serena Reeder


  • 布鲁克林来的叔叔 Lo Zio di Brooklyn

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:Daniele Ciprì, Franco Maresco   编剧:丹尼尔·西皮里, Franco Maresco

    主演:Salvatore Gattuso, Pippo Agusta, Salvatore Schiera, Gaspare Marchione, Natale Lauria

      The best italian film of the 90's, the most extreme and radical work since SALO', a ruthless representation, in a surreal-metaphorical key, of a civilization condemned to worshipping its own blindness. The two sicilian directors use a language free from compromise and from the tr...

  • 布鲁克林男孩 NCT 127 BKLYN BOYS


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:李泰容, 金道英, 金廷祐, 徐英浩, 中本悠太, 李东赫, 郑在玹, 李马克, 文泰一

  • 布鲁克林·富尔顿大街 Brooklyn, Fulton Street


    导演:Lumière Brothers   编剧:


  • 冲出布鲁克林 Straight Out of Brooklyn

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:Matty Rich   编剧:

    主演:George T. Odom

      Dennis, living in a housing project in Brooklyn, New York has had enough of poverty, and witnessing his alcoholic father beat his mother. His father is depressed and troubled from working hard for 'the white man' for so many years, yet having nothing to show for it.
      Dennis and two friends come up with a plan to rob a local drug dealer and split the money. One of the friends ask...

  • 布鲁克林大桥 Brooklyn Bridge

    类型:纪录片, 历史

    导演:Ken Burns   编剧:

    主演:Paul Roebling, Julie Harris, Arthur Miller

      This documentary chronicles the world-famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. The difficult construction process is described in interesting detail; later parts of the film interview current notables who describe the effects that the Brooklyn Bridge has had upon New York society and beyond.

  • 布鲁克林吸血鬼 Vampire in Brooklyn

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 恐怖

    导演:韦斯·克雷文   编剧:查理·墨菲, Chris Parker

    主演:安吉拉·贝塞特, 艾迪·墨菲, 艾伦·佩恩


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