
  • 山寨屏幕 Shānzhài Screens

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:Paul Heintz   编剧:Paul Heintz



  • 屏幕 Screen


    导演:克里斯托弗·吉拉德, 马蒂亚斯·穆勒   编剧:


      Fire, water, earth, air. Voices of fictional characters – sometimes suggestive, sometimes strict – leading the viewer away from the here and now. Who's talking? The relationship between the hypnotised subject and the hypnotist is mirrored in the spectator's relationship to the screen.
      "While he mused on the effect of the flowing sands, he was seized from time to time by halluci...

  • 梦想的屏幕 스크린


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:孔侑, 尹晶喜, 尹晶喜 Yoon Jung Hee

      金素贤(金泰熙 饰)出生于戏剧之家,父亲经营着一家剧场,虽然从小就失去了母亲的照拂,但是金素贤还是成长为了一位坚强而又独立的女性。宋由娜(尹晶喜 饰)是金素贤的同班同学,虽然出生在富贵的家庭之中,但因为过去的种种,使得宋由娜始终有一种骨子里的深深的自卑。她将金素贤视为竞争对手,一直非常努力的学习想要超过对方,终于,当金素贤家的剧场因为行业不景气和经营不善而负债累累时,宋由娜的父亲将其收购,两人的地位发生了逆转。

  • 屏幕测试:赫尔穆特 Screen Test: Helmut


    导演:安迪·沃霍尔   编剧:

    主演:伊迪·塞奇威克, 鲍勃·迪伦, 尼可

      Andy Warhol´s Screen Tests were filmed from early 1964 to November 1966. Factory visitors who had potential "star" quality would be seated in front of a tripod mounted camera, asked to be as still as possible, and told not to blink while the camera was running. Warhol manipulated light and shadow in increasingly inventive ways to capture the appearance, style, personality, and ...

  • 三重转变:从玩具到漫画到屏幕 - 变形金刚的起源 Triple Changer: From Toy to Comic to Screen - The Origin of the Transformers

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:嘉玛·沃德   编剧:

    主演:Aaron Archer, Joe Bacal, Bob Budiansky

      Technical Specs
      Runtime:USA: 20 min
      Aspect Ratio:1.33 : 1

  • 三个屏幕 Lo schermo a tre punte


    导演:Giuseppe Tornatore   编剧:朱塞佩·托纳多雷


      A look at Sicily with the eyes of the Sicilian director, through more than 500 songs taken from over a hundred films shot or set on the island. A film anthology on the history of Sicily divided into 14 chapters.

  • 性与屏幕 Sex, Censorship and the Silver Screen


    导演:Frank Martin   编剧:

    主演:Raquel Welch

      From the moment Thomas Edison shocked the public with May Irwin's unabashed kiss, the movie industry has become a battlefield for audiences who can't get enough of a good thing - and critics who believe some things are better left behind closed doors. SEX, CENSORSHIP AND THE SILVER SCREEN, a six-part documentary written and directed by Frank Martin traces the evolution of sexua...

  • 维京传奇 Vikings: Journey to New Worlds

    类型:纪录片, 短片, 历史

    导演:Marc Fafard   编剧:马克·发法德, Jonathan Hock

    主演:Jean-Sebastien Héroux, Martin Gauthier, Andrew Létourneau

      在这部40分钟描写维京人的大屏幕影片里, 详细探索了他们的历史和文化冲击,以及他们的技术和科学成就。影片叙述维京人的故居以及他们所探索的新天地, 冰岛、格陵兰和纽芬兰。还有维京人从9世纪到12世纪间造船技术的变革,这一切都将在影片中呈现。
      维京人造的船集快捷、轻便且具有极佳的操控性于一身, 这使他们的探险能涵盖本土岛屿并横跨世界其他各海洋洲。

  • 巴黎圣母院火灾全纪录


    导演:Rémi Delescluse, Thierry Hornet, Clémentine Mazoyer, Stephanie Ponsart   编剧:

    主演:唐纳德·特朗普, 埃马纽埃尔·马克龙


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