
  • 那么回


    导演:姜凯阳   编剧:姜凯阳

    主演:马静, 孙思瀚, 姜武, 高远, 刘茜, 米学东, 石兰, 刘波, 杨超, 安子, 景松涛, 米杨


  • 是这样 Voilà l'enchaînement


    导演:克莱尔·德尼   编剧:


      With two actors and no sets, master filmmaker Claire Denis traces the arc of a strained relationship, with a focus on race and language. In this fraught arena, words omitted can be as potentially devastating as words used, and what is not seen can have greater political consequences than what is.

  • 德雷福斯件:舆之战 Bagarre entre journalistes


    导演:乔治·梅里爱   编剧:


      Star Film 213

  • 独裁的内幕 On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship


    导演:Karen Stokkendal Poulsen   编剧:


      The entire world praised the military and Aung San Suu Kyi, when power was passed on to the democracy icon after 50 years of military dictatorship. One year later she defended an ethnic cleansing and had isolated herself from the public. This film tells you why.

  • 爱因斯坦和相对的故 Einstein et la Relativité Générale: une histoire singulière


    导演:Quentin Lazzarotto   编剧:Jean Eisenstaedt, Quentin Lazzarotto, Jean-Philippe Uzan

    主演:Alexandre Astier, Sébastien Bize, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Thibault Damour, Jean Eisenstaeft, 罗杰·彭罗斯, Carlo Rovelli, Jean-Philippe Uzan, Cédric Villani

      Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity has revolutionised our understanding of gravity, space and time. Initially acclaimed, then forgotten, and now rediscovered, the adventure of this hundred-year-old theory has marked the scientific history of the 20th century. From its inception, a mathematical difficulty arose that could have nipped the theory in the bud: the Schwar...

  • 做了危险的能拿钱 危いことなら銭になる

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:中平康   编剧:池田一朗, Michio Tsuzuki

    主演:Keisuke Noro, Shuntarô Tamamura, Shôbun Inoue, Gô Kuroda, 宍户锭, 长门裕之, 浅丘琉璃子, 藤村步, 乡英治, 左卜全, 草薙幸二郎, 平田昭彦, Daizaburô Hirata, Toyoko Takechi, Zenji Yamada


  • 对于电影的热爱:美国电影评 For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism


    导演:Gerald Peary   编剧:

    主演:Patricia Clarkson, Roger Ebert, Andrew Sarris

      "In all, For the Love of Movies offers a concise, entertaining account of mass-market movie criticism, and I think a lot of universities would want to use it in film and journalism courses"
      - David Bordwell
      “For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism” is the first documentary to dramatize the rich saga of American movie reviewing. Directed by “Boston Phoenix”...

  • 永远的女性参政者们:女性与权力的故 Suffragettes Forever! The Story Of Women And Power

    类型:纪录片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:   编剧:Jacqui Hayden

    主演:Amanda Vickery, Nancy Astor, William Astor

      In this series for BBC Two, historian Amanda Vickery uncovers Britain’s longest war, the 300 year long campaign by women for political and sex equality in Britain, revealing the largely forgotten heroines (and a few heroes) who fought for the cause. The suffragette’s battle to win the vote is the popular symbol of this struggle, but Vickery places that struggle in a much wider ...

  • 银魂:无什么开始虽然重要但伸个懒腰的话也不错 銀魂 〜何も最初が肝心なので多少背伸びするくらいが丁度良い〜

    类型:剧情片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:高松信司   编剧:大和屋晓, 空知英秋(原作)

    主演:杉田智和, 石田彰, 中井和哉, 阪口大助, 钉宫理惠, 雪野五月, 铃村健一, 千叶进步


  • 无职转生:到了异世界拿出真本 無職転生~異世界行ったら本気だす~

    类型:动画片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:冈本学   编剧:冈本学

    主演:内山夕实, 小原好美, 茅野爱衣, 加隈亚衣, 森川智之, 金元寿子, Lynn, 浪川大辅


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