
  • 白丝线 Le fil

    类型:剧情, 同性

    导演:Mehdi Ben Attia   编剧:Mehdi Ben Attia, Olivier Laneurie

    主演:Claudia Cardinale, Salim Kechiouche, Mehdi Ben Attia


  • 76 76 Days


    导演:吴皓, 陈玮曦   编剧:

    主演:苏洁, 杨莉, 田定远, 李青儿


  • 十面 Ten Skies


    导演:James Benning   编剧:


      Ten Skies
      Directed by James Benning.
      US 2004, 16mm, color, 109 min.
      Filmed around Val Verde, California, this series of skyscapes gracefully visualizes human civilization's interaction with, and impact on, the landscape. The skies and cloud formations chosen by Benning are affected by pollution from an industrial factory, jet trails, and smoke from an accidental wildfire, all c...

  • 三人堂 Das Trio


    导演:Hermine Huntgeburth   编剧:

    主演:Götz George, Christian Redl, Jeanette Hain

      THE TRIO relies mainly on presenting the viewer with the unexpected, or rather with the ordinary in an unexpected fashion. Zobel and his daughter Lizzie, connected with funfair and sideshow life, but essentially pickpockets by trade, live in a van with Zobel's ageing lover. He is finding his job as third man of the team too hard to deal with. A replacement is found in Rudolf, a...

  • 窗外有男 Head On


    导演:安娜·库金诺斯   编剧:安娜·库金诺斯, 安德鲁·伯维尔, Christos Tsiolkas



  • 绿的海平线 綠的海平線


    导演:郭亮吟   编剧:


      拍攝歷時四年,橫跨台灣、日本和中國三地,本片透過大量史料、影片檔案,以及數十位當事人的第一手訪談,以具宏觀意義的歷史視野,重現這段被人遺忘超過半世紀的歷史。首次擔任紀錄片旁白的音樂人林強,以他溫暖而誠懇的聲音,娓娓道來台灣少年工的故事 ……
      * 2008年金穗獎首獎
      * 2006年台北電影節「評審團特別獎」
      * 2006年南方影展「最佳紀錄片獎」
      * 入選2006年女性影展「台灣焦點」單元
      * 入圍2006年台灣國際紀錄片雙年展「國際競賽類」
      * 受邀參加2006年宜蘭國際綠色影展

  • 高更传:寻找堂 Paradise Found

    类型:剧情, 传记

    导演:Mario Andreacchio   编剧:马里奥·安德烈奇奥

    主演:Kiefer Sutherland 吉弗·莎瑟兰, Nastassja Kinski 娜塔莎 金斯基)


  • 每个星期 On Any Sunday

    类型:纪录片, 运动

    导演:Bruce Brown   编剧:

    主演:布鲁斯·布朗, 史蒂夫·麦奎因

    在《无尽之夏》五年之后,他又和Steve McQueen的太阳影业合作拍摄了全面反映北美摩托车赛状况的《每个星期》。本片在当时获得了不错的效果(获得奥斯卡奖提名),不过却迅速销声匿迹了。

  • 帕拉杰诺夫最后的春 Параджанов: Последняя весна


    导演:Sergei Parajanov塞尔日·帕拉捷诺夫   编剧:

    主演:Sergei Parajanov, Sofiko Chiaureli

      Made in wartime and edited in candlelight, Mikhail Vartanov's rarely-seen masterpiece tells about his friendship with the genius Sergei Parajanov who was imprisoned by KGB "at the peak of his artistic power". Vartanov takes us back with the scenes from his censored 1969 film The Color of Armenian Land where Paradjanov is at work on his suppressed chef-d'oeuvre The Color of Pome...

  • 浪子涯 A River Made To Drown In


    导演:James Merendino   编剧:Paul Marius

    主演:Richard Chamberlain, Michael Imperioli, Ute Lemper

      Allen, a struggling young artist who once survived by working in the streets, is now involved with Eva, a wealthy Los Angeles gallery owner. Quite by surprise Allen receives a visit from an old john, Thaddeus, who is dying from aids and has come to spend his last days somewhere humble ans spare. Allen reluctantly takes him in, straining his relationship with Eva, who slowly dis...

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