
  • 异常吸引力 Abnormal Attraction

    类型:喜剧, 奇幻, 冒险

    导演:Michael Leavy   编剧:Jerry Della Salla, Steven Della Salla, Michael Leavy

    主演:马尔科姆·麦克道威尔, 布鲁斯·戴维森, 罗恩·杰里米

      In a world where mythical creatures are real, monsters and humans are forced to coexist; and as prejudice and insecurity pulls everyone apart, three separate storylines manage to come together.

  • 两个女孩的诱惑和吸引力 Nude Area


    导演:乌祖拉·安东尼娅克   编剧:乌祖拉·安东尼娅克

    主演:Sammy Boonstra, 伊曼·哈曼, Lars Druiven, Stefan Wirken, Samuel du Chatinier, Jasmin Oulad Abdelaziz, Soraya Assoud, Youssra Bilal, Mimi Jadoenathmisier, Benjamin de Wit

      Two teenage girls and their mutual fascination and attraction.

  • 异性吸引力 See You in the Morning

    类型:剧情, 爱情

    导演:艾伦·J·帕库拉   编剧:艾伦·J·帕库拉

    主演:杰夫·布里吉斯, 艾丽丝·克里奇, 费拉·福赛特, 德鲁·巴里摩尔, 卢卡斯·哈斯

      Three years after his divorce from his model-wife is the psychologist Larry Livingstone ready for a new commitment. He falls in love with the young widow Beth who has two children. But Beth and the children are still in mourning over their dead husband and father and Larry finds it a bit difficult to penetrate their reservations. Larry himself has to deal with his ex-wife and h...

  • 吸引力 Sex Appeal


    导演:Talia Osteen   编剧:塔特 汉约克

    主演:米卡·阿卜杜拉, 杰克·索特

      米卡·阿卜杜拉(《青春相对论》)、杰克·索特([社交网络追爱记])将主演青春喜剧[吸引力](Sex Appeal,暂译)。该片由塔莉亚·奥斯汀([帮帮我])执导,塔特·汉约克操刀剧本。故事讲述功成名就的女明星艾弗里·汉森-怀特与男友异地相恋,当男友暗示想在即将到来的舞会上进一步发展两人的关系后,她开始面对自己的欲望并且学习爱情的模式,过程中,她意识到感情需要的是感性而不是理性。

  • 感官吸引力4 Body Chemistry 4: Full Exposure


    导演:Jim Wynorski   编剧:Karen Kelly

    主演:Shannon Tweed, Larry Poindexter, Andrew Stevens

  • 隔世吸引力


    导演:王正   编剧:

    主演:张琳, 刘钰, 王铵, 刘祯子, 何其勇, 俞昌剴, 许文锐


  • 吸引力 Charming The Hearts Of Men

    类型:剧情, 历史

    导演:S.E. DeRose   编剧:S.E. DeRose

    主演:安娜·弗莱尔, 西恩·奥斯汀, 凯尔希·格兰莫, 戴安·拉德, 考特尼·盖恩斯, 阿梅尔·艾米恩

      A romantic drama set during the politically charged early 60s where a sophisticated woman returns to her Southern home town and discovers her options are limited yet discrimination is plentiful. With the help of a Congressional ally, she inspires historic legislation which allows opportunities and protections never before afforded to women.

  • 吸引力法则 Laws Of Attraction

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 同性, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:塔那帕特·卡维拉, 拉查达·翰帕侬


  • 吸引力 Affinity

    类型:剧情, 爱情, 短片

    导演:Justine Stokes   编剧:Luis Fernando Midence

    主演:Luis Fernando Midence, Courtney Maistros, Chris Hodge

  • 感官吸引力 Body Chemistry

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:Kristine Peterson   编剧:Jackson Barr

    主演:Marc Singer, Lisa Pescia

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