
  • 北方灵魂乐 Northern Soul


    导演:Elaine Constantine   编剧:Elaine Constantine

    主演:史蒂夫·库根, 安东尼娅·托马斯 Antonia Thomas, 克里斯蒂安·麦凯

      his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come.
      This is the story of Northern Soul.
      Award-winning director Elaine Constantine has recently completed filming her first feature-length film Northern Soul, with an intended cinematic release in Spring / Summer 2013.
      The film tells the tale of t...

  • 万千北方 幾多の北


    导演:山村浩二   编剧:山村浩二


      Japan’s Koji Yamamura, already a renowned artist and animator, brings the international premiere of his feature debut, Dozens of Norths, to our 25th birthday edition of PÖFF. The experimental and existential hand drawn and painted piece, charts a dialogue-free voyage into an alien northern realm: it’s skeletal architecture and chilly inhabitants.

  • 消失在北方的岩石


    导演:沈蕊兰   编剧:沈蕊兰

    主演:邓梦怡, 李瑞

      An old lady in deep sleep, back in time, dreaming of her past lover...

  • 欢迎来北方II La ch'tite famille

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:丹尼·伯恩   编剧:丹尼·伯恩, 莎拉·卡明斯基

    主演:丹尼·伯恩, 丽娜·雷诺, 洛朗斯·阿尔内, 瓦莱丽·博莱同, 盖伊·勒克卢瑟, 弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂, 皮埃尔·里夏尔, 朱莉安娜·勒普罗, 阿拉丁·瑞贝尔

      瓦伦丁(丹尼·伯恩 Dany Boon 饰)是当今巴黎最为炙手可热的设计师,实际上,他出生于一个非常偏僻的小镇里,并且原生家庭的经济条件十分堪忧,全靠着父母坚韧的精神支撑着瓦伦丁前往大都市打拼,才成就了他的今天。可是,瓦伦丁却将自己的出身视为是难以启齿的秘密,为了摆脱原生家庭,瓦伦丁甚至捏造了自己的履历,声称自己是孤儿。

  • 北方 Nord


    导演:泽维尔·布瓦   编剧:泽维尔·布瓦, 索菲亚·菲力瑞斯, 阿莱特·朗曼

    主演:泽维尔·布瓦, 布鲁·欧吉尔, 贝尔纳·维尔莱, Agnès Evrard, 让·杜歇, Jean-René Gossart, Jeanette Hereng, Fernand Kindt


  • 牙医与北方男孩 เดือนอิงดอย เล่ม

    类型:爱情, 同性

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:吉拉育·坎塔永, 塔纳帕特·塔纳查坤皮桑, Tong Supanut Sudjinda, Settakarn

      In the past, 'Tachit' had only watched his friend (that he) loved one-sidedly even though now 'Rawin' had a lover in person. And it seems that this friendship's...

  • 北方 第三季 The Great North Season 3

    类型:喜剧, 动画

    导演:   编剧:


      FOX宣布续订动画《大北方 The Great North》第二季。

  • 英雄传说 闪之轨迹 北方战役 The Legend of Heroes 閃の軌跡 Northern War

    类型:动作, 科幻, 动画, 战争

    导演:佐藤英一   编剧:リョウガヒデキ, 恵村まお

    主演:小市真琴, 中村悠一, 布里德卡特·塞拉·惠美, 小野友树


  • 南方与北方 North and South


    导演:Rodney Bennett   编剧:伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔, David Turner

    主演:Rosalie Shanks, 帕特里克·斯图尔特

      A young woman is uprooted from her idyllic village in Southern England, has her eyes opened to class warfare in the industrial North, and receives a surprising marriage proposal.

  • 北方普通人 North of Normal


    导演:Carly Stone   编剧:Cea Sunrise Person, Alexandra Weir


      After being raised in the wilderness, a teenage girl moves to the city hoping for a normal life with her anything but normal mother.