
  • 造露车 나는 차였어


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:金淑, 罗美兰, 郑赫

  • 逃离 Boot Camp

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Christian Duguay   编剧:Agatha Dominik, John Cox

    主演:米拉·库尼斯, 格里高利·史密斯, 彼得·斯特曼, 黎晶·奈

      A group of troubled teens are sent to a rehabilitation program housed in a remote camp on the island of Fiji. What their parents believe is a state-of-the-art deluxe institution in a beautiful natural environment turns out to be a prison-like boot camp where they are abused and brainwashed.

  • 造露车 - 冬天的故事 나는 차였어 - 겨울이야기


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:罗美兰, 金淑, 郑赫

  • 赖奇克1950-1953年:匈牙利人民共和国秘密纪事 Recsk 1950-1953, egy titkos kényszermunkatábor története


    导演:Géza Böszörményi, Lívia Gyarmathy   编剧:


      This European Film Award winner documentary tells the story of Recsk, Hungary's mos t notorious political prison camp, which operated between 1950 and 1953. During the early 1950's the very existence of this camp for political prisoners at Recsk was one of the Hungarian communist regime's deepest secrets. Hundreds of people were taken there without ever actually being sentenced...

  • 同一场战争 Одна война


    导演:Vera Glagoleva   编剧:Вера Глаголева

    主演:Александр Балуев, Наталья Кудряшова, Юлия Мельникова

      “我愿意相信,他们都活了下来”俄影迷评第14届索菲亚电影节最佳影片《同一场战争/ОДНА ВОЙНА》One War.影片通过女人与她们同法西斯占领者所生的孩子表现战争之残酷.女导演薇拉·格拉戈列娃:我们罕有提起战争年代的事,必须高声喊出!《同一场战争》展示了二战史上不为人知的一页.少校马克西姆来到北方的小岛建战俘劳改营,岛上的女人是被流放至此的.当她们得知德国投降的消息时,高兴地盼望着回家,却不知明晨等待她们的是什么!